Oni-Sei------changing some things in response
Water - Heal? I have been thinking that healing will be limited to sleeping and going to medic station as well as eating, i was also think of putting in 2 mealtimes where u get like 5-10% of your health back or sumthin, u know, cuz u get supplies obviously
Weapons - randomized units including: the default unit is weak attack zealot; Ghosts for rifle/pistol/shotgun; Marine for SMG; firebat is...duh!; medic is someone who got the first aid kit, or the poisons; vulture(no upgrade) for guy with grenades and hero vulture(w/ upgrades) used as a bicycle, but no spider mines; zealot with armor for bullet proof vest, no armor but higher attack for knife (not gonna try to combine for now, i'll worry about extra armor later); wanted dark templar for sword, but can't think of a way to reveal him only when near someone; Archon is for Taser; Hydralisk?????, only zerg unit i want to put in, since the rest aren't nearly humanoid
Oni-Sei-------think i will incorporate ammo into it too, and if u run out it will go to your next available weapon, which will be a unit you've killed and is stored somewhere as pl8, and i will make it default to a ranged unit or by strength of units, don't know, plus i haven't made stats
Oni-Sei-------also maby make some of the story why they are on the island and such maby add the school trip part or some backround about how its a show and it only happens to picked out (junior High Students?) like for the Boomerang umm you cna think of something cant you?
I have a small explanation for the mission briefing, debating these 2 eplanations
You have been brought to an island owned and abandoned by the army of Japan where you are told that you must kill your classmates and survive on the island for 52 Hours.
Every hour there will be a new restricted zone will be announced, don't be there when it happens, your collars will beep, explode, and send your heads flying.
The time is now 3 am and your first restricted zone will be G-7, which is right outside this door where a weapons & supply cash is located, find something then run, you will have only a few moments before the guards activate the restricted zone and begin to open fire on anyone who refuses to leave the supply area.
Be aware, there is no way off the island. If you come hear then the guards will kill you, though the bomb on your neck should stop you first.
Good luck to you all.
You are the lucky class chosen for this years Battle Royale! Congratulations!
Now, I'm going to explain the rules for you. Listen well to fight right and with gusto. You are on a deserted island, it's about 10 kilometers around, but we've evacuated everyone, so it's empty! The island's divided into many zones. Every six hours your teacher'll broadcast updates (That's four times a day.) about which zones are becoming danger zones. If you're in those zones, you should leave quickly, because the danger is....
OK, about the necklaces you're wearing. They're 100% waterproof and shockproof and permanent! It monitors your pulse, informing us of your location and movements. So if you linger in a danger zone, or cause trouble, we can identify you, and transmit radio waves that trigger an alarm and boom! It explodes! If you try to rip it off, it explodes too, so promise not to try that, OK?
Oh, I forgot one important thing. There's a time limit on this game! 3 days. If we haven't got a winner after three days, all the necklaces automatically explode! And no one wins. As long as we're here, let's fight hard so that doesn't happen! You'll be leaving the room one by one, outside you will get a kit. Inside is food and water, a map and compass, a flashlight and a weapon, so check it out later, OK?
Each weapon is different. Not just guns and knives, either. It's random, so maybe you'll get lucky, maybe not. It eliminates natural advantages.
Good luck!
The 2nd is a copy (revised) of the girl on the video tape in the movie
I feel that most people will play this for the randomness, not for the movie, they can see/read the story on their own, i just want them to understand what they're doing here a little, not go into the political reasons, this is also a different class, i will not be using names, only student#??
(note: their will be other characters owned by player 8 on the same mission, just dumber than u)
Oni-Sei-------what else i would like to point out is that maby make a time limit (24 mins or so for the necklaces) and if someone camps in an area for too long then some how subtract points
and one last comment
this is a serious concern, i would like to make the game last awhile, my plan is to set the countdown for 72 mins, but i realize that noone will play this at normal speed, therefore it will make the timer show 3 days go by, tho it will be like a 40 minute time limit, not positive what the speed change math is
Oni-Sei-------make a way for them to survive (the labtop) and see if they would rather work togeather or kill eachother just some fun stuff
I have thought about this, thinking of putting in a broken tank(really just p12), the data disc, and zerg gas orbs for manure, i think three things is enough, tho i want to make them appear randomly in different areas
i was debating making it where there is a quest to get the labtop/cellphone and disable the collars and then a seperate quest to destroy the school biulding and guards
this way people can work together to get the parts and attack the school, but i have to make a way for them to gather the parts seperately but make it so once they do get it all then the proper trigger will activate the collars shutting off or the bomb parts combining....this will be my last part of the map, as it seems the hardest
just a quick note, i can't get the player 12 thing to work, it's fine for biuldings and units placed during map load, but triggers for 12 refuse to work it seems

ps, didn't know that starforge worked in secs, not millisecs, been inputting 2 minute intervals instead of 2 second