Please everyone calm down, there is no need to be flaming him for the map he made, even if it is terrible as he must already understand through all those mean comments
We do not allow flames but we do allow constructive critisism. Like you can comment on parts he should improve, why does it "suck" so much? If you have no reasons, then you shouldn't be commenting at all!
So about your map:
1) It looks like people could play it but it is a bit large for a shared baes map.
2) Too many bases at one spot, if any one of them were Zerg, everyone else would be screwed.
3) Remember placing units on a map will not stay in melee.
4) Remember that selecting a race doesn't matter either.
5) People will have random start location and so they might end up attacking each other before the allying process begins.
6) I like the concept except it looks like you need to put some more effort into the map.
7) Look at some examples that others have posted, it might help

8) Money maps aren't the greatest things to make

9) I think you may want to start off small (128x128 1v1 2v2) then go big like this. People generally like fancy terrain for strategy and doodads for micro.
Read the guide that voyager posted