Landset: Jungle
Size: 128x128
Players: 2
Ok, this is a new map I just made called Lunar Jungle. I tried not to make it too terran friendly and made the central part of the map wide and the chokes a little bigger than I usually would. Feedback welcomed and when I think it's as good as it gets I'll add it to the DLDB.
Update Log:
-Changed blue's ramp to be more like red's.
-Changed the center a bit, minerals for really long games where all other mins are out.
-Added a few more doodads by ramps + other parts of maps. Small changes, but noticeable.
-Fixed mineral count for an expo. It's counterpart had one less mineral patch.
-Added gas to 2 expos.
-Did some more doodad stuff.
*Map sent to DLDB. Yay! DL it here: far as I know, this map is completely balanced and it has some good strategic terrain. I only found 1 flaw.
Red can defend the ramp leading to his main much easier than Blue because Red's main abse encircles the ramp and Blue's does not. Try making Blue's ramp more like Red's.
lol... as always, pekkel's maps are great!
how about placing a LOT of minerals, gas, or both in the middle, or where ever there will be the most fighting?
more trees and doodads are needed for those people who like to micromanage...
how about placing a LOT of minerals, gas, or both in the middle, or where ever there will be the most fighting?
That won't be a evry good idea, there are already a lot of minerals available to each player and placing more won't help out.
Okie dokie, made some changes. Blue's ramp does not plunge you into the heart of the base, similar to red's. A tree or two was also added by some ramps and in and around other expos. And Max, if you open the map you will notice a lot of doodads, plus critters to slaughter. Look for ursadons chillin' on small islands in the middle of the water to hunt too.

Cool map pekkel, Great job, But it does lack doodads, Add some more doodad's and you will be set to go, And maybe a little less mineral patches..
Ok, if you would just poen up the map you will see a lot of doodads, more than some maps. I don't really want to clutter the passages with excess doodads. Plus, they're kinda hard to see on the mini map.
Ok, took out some minerals in the cresent expos on either side of map.
ok, doodads prupose in melee maps other to look pretty is to hinder movement of large armies, not to add micro to a map. 3 mineral only expansions per player is a bit too much, a player will end up with a porportion of minerals to large to spend without running out of gas. unless this is what you want, i suggest adding one more geyser for each player.
pope, that doesnt matter, both players get the same amount, i think its fine,
great map, but you put in doodads that dont effect gameplay, like the ones in the water, try adding trees or rocks.
otherwise, 10/10
Well, I added gas to 2 expos.
alright, this map is finished, add it to the DLDB. lol Puni, i love starwars rap, Im your father, im your father. Run to degaba blah blah blah
Ok, map sent to the DLDB. Thnx guys.
I think it could use one or two more ramps on each middle cliff. Barring air transport, Terran could cliff them, and as theres only one entrance up...
Map looks good. The only tiny problem I see is that red has one mineral that cannot be mined from the begining so then the peon unit will have to go around to mine it which might slow the player down. I am not sure if it really is though. Just looking from the minimap picture.
QUOTE(KaboomHahahein @ Mar 1 2005, 08:04 PM)
Map looks good. The only tiny problem I see is that red has one mineral that cannot be mined from the begining so then the peon unit will have to go around to mine it which might slow the player down. I am not sure if it really is though. Just looking from the minimap picture.
nope, they can still mine from it.