MORE INFO ON This Melee Map!
Just to let you know that it isn't just regular 'ol melee play...
I plan on making it similar to WC3 in the sense that your supply is limited, and you get heroes... (Concepts of WC3, not exact, I'm not trying to duplicate it)
Resource accumulation will be fairly slow, as each base has a low number of mineral fields and a slightly more distant gas gyser.
Limiting Supply (highly considering a max of 80 supply).
Hopefully this will cause more stratigic battles. Shorter battles, and no more freakin' MASSER melee maps. All hydras, all dragoons, all BC's/Tanks (LAME!). Also with the design, it will be a little more difficult to sneak attack from behind their minerals.
Maybe now people will find a use for Ultralisks, Science Vessels, Defilers, Corsairs, and more.
Heroes will go as follows:
Terran Unit / SpellsCommando (Marine)(1) Cover: Create a bunker with 70perc life - lasts 60 seconds (unless destroyed).
(2) Self Destruct: Kill all units (non-harvesters, non-heroes) in the nearby area of Marine, including allies and players marine)
Engineer Warrior (Vulture) (Looking to rename)(1) Craft Repair: Heals all mech units within the area (also some non-mechs).
(2) Psi Emmitter Control - Give all zerg men to current player at vulture.
The Bird (Wraith) (Looking to rename)
Innate: Infinate Energy - Hero only
(1) Drop Mines: Create 3 spiders mines at location
(2) Call of Flight: Summon all offensive self-owned air units to Wraith Hero (including any offencive zerg units player may have)
Protoss Unit / SpellsPsi Wielder (Zealot)(1) Invincibility: Make zealot invincible for 7 seconds.
(2) Base Restoration: Set nearby protoss building HP (not sp) to 100%.
Assassin (Dark Templar)(1) Illusion: Create 6 Dark Templar non-hero illusions with unlimited life (not invincible, just always set to 100% life-preserve) - set starting energy to 75%.
(2) Raid: Create 11 Hero Dark Templars (10hp, 45atk each) for 45 seconds for player (unless killed).
Mother Pod (Scout)(1) Recharge: Set SP of Scout Hero to 100%.
(2) Warp Nexus: Create nexus at Scout Hero (free, set HP to 35%, SP to 0%)
Zerg Unit / HeroBerzerker (Zergling)(1) Brood Swarm: Create 7 Broodlings at zergling location.
(2) Creep Out: Create 1 creep colony (70% HP) at zergling location.
Grappler (Mutalisk)(1) Grasp: Force all unallied men (non-harvester) mid-screen to move towards Mutalisk Hero without attacking for 5 seconds.
(2) Eyes of the Swarm: Share Vision with player 12 and give an observer (force to follow Mutalisk Hero) to player, at Muta Hero - for 20 seconds.
Mutator (Hydralisk) (More difficult to get than Mutalisk)
(1) Spawn Nydus (ownage!): Create 1 Nydus Canal at location with 50% HP.
(2) Consume Structure: Give up to 2 nearby buildings to current player at Hydralisk Hero location (Close Range - CAN take over CC's and Nexus').
Spells (How they'll work)
- All heroes will start off with NO spells and NO mana.
- All spells will be bought (just like any other "upgrade" or "ability" other units have).
- The ability to upgrade mana regen rate (of that hero) and resummoning (of that hero) will be available.
- Mana Points: accumulation will be VERY slow - about 1 out of 10 every 75 seconds.
More on Heroes...- Each hero will have certain building requirements before they can be summoned.
- Heroes will be "summoned", the cost is significantly higher than their originals (Marine/marine hero) but not as expensive as... say.. a Battle Cruiser (for example).
- There will also be a respawn death time of each hero (depending on race and hero it will be a long or short respawn allowance time).
- The spawn time of each hero can also be "upgraded" once requirements are met and you have the min/gas.
- All 3 heroes can be summoned at the same time.
- Currently debating whether to have heroes (each one currently being commanded) - slowly drain minerals/gas over time (like an SCV repairing). Will look more on that during testing, see how fast minerals/gas are being mined.
ALL Advice will be taken into consideration, I have the right to reject any such given advice as I see fit. ALL opinions are appreciated and accepted.
Let me know what you guys think in all aspects, I'm looking for a near perfect balance between each race.
PLEASE play with your friends, family, play 1v1 against a comp, and see how the AI is, etc.
There are NO doodads on this map yet... nor detailed terrain, this is just a base lay out.
BE NIT-PICKY, be annoyingly anal.
Play agaisnt other humans and comps please, and let me know how everything goes. What you hate, what you like, what you want to see, any places to get stuck?
Please do not massivly distribute this map, as it is just a draft.
ADDITION:Pic Posted...
Alright, yea I know the top part is a LOT of wasted space, however, it's the only size I could find to fit what I needed...
Yes the terrain looks sloppy...
I just want to get the basic starting locations and mineral locations and base sizes, etc, down.
ADDITION:New Map Added - Just a test to show you guys how I'll limit supply max. Thanks to Deathknight and DT_Battlecruiser. Also, this map confirms that you CAN place buildings at a continually unit location (we know that, nothing special, this just confirms that it works).