I've notice that there is a halo 2 bound so ive decided to make another becuase i love halo 2
this bound will include around 20 levels and u will have around 50 lives
so far i have almost completed the layout and have 5 done
level 5 is still incomplete because i had a problem so redid it
ill post some screenshots when i get home from school
time- 9:55am ill get out at 2:30pm
this bound is for more vetran bounders cause some levels will be difficult for "public bounders".
if u want to find out more info on this map plz post here!
dont be worried this will be a great bound
even though its my first
i love halo 2 also so i will also want to play your bound
ya a bunch of my clan members like it and kow says it will be a cool game