The Burrowed Matrix
You may be thinking that this is going to be some post about green numbers falling down or something, or that one defense map. But this is a bit different.
As I have been experimenting, I have discovered something truly amazing. Its a burrowed matrix. Im not sure if anyone has done so...
The basic principle of the grid, is the ability to be able to create an INFINITE grid, or the equivalent to 1x1 locations, for the WHOLE map, using only 11 locations. Meaning infinite detections.
Here it goes.
The burrowed matrix works like this.
(notice: this focus's on a 9 grid, or 3x3 and only interacts with 1 square equiv. to the central box.)
In starcraft there are 9 burrowable units for every given player:
Hero Zergling (Devouring One)
Hero Hydralisk (Hunter Killer)
Hero Defiler (Unclean One)
Infested Terran
(These 9 units have a burrowed detection of 1x1 square. Yes, even the lurker.)
So, we create 9 locations, one for each detection.
Now, we create a 10th location.
This location is the central point of the grid. This box is exactly 3x3 while the other 9 locations are 1x1.
ill finish this later.. sorry incomplete post sorry sorry be back soon!...
Aw crap, you can't delete your thread...