Perfect Dark Force
Chapter 1-The Chronicles of Suntar
68% DoneThe Story)-In the Realm of Tacnuc, on the Planet Known as Narsu... There was Once a Story of What Happened Here In Our Past...Our Great City Known as Suntarus was Once Measureless in Size, and Stunning Blindness in Beauty. But we never thought the Darkness of our Past Would Return to Act on it's Revenge. We Always thought We would be Able to Protect Ourselves from any Fiend or Savage Beast.... We Wish we were not wrong...
Where you Come in to the Story)-500 Years Ago There was a Great War of Our People. We Were Divided by our Simple Appearance and Traits. We Let one Little Incident Spark a War Plotted by the Greatest of Evils...a Fiendish Evil....
The Two Telerian Forces of Suntarus and Monlocke Fought Against Each Other in a Savage Battle, with Many Casualties. In the End the Monarch of the Monlocke Clan was Asassinated by the Telerian High Guardsmen Known as Garum.
It was Later Known that the seeds of Hatred and Anger were Planted, by whom and why, the Telerian Race still does not know....
Now 500 Years Later, Garum Is Sent By the High Council of Suntar to Investigate Fiend activity Near the City of Narg, a Telerian Capital. What will he find on his way there... The Story Now Unfolds....
Gameplay)-You Can Pick Between Using 1 of 4 Characters they follow as:
Characters:*Garum-He's Fast, Average Strength, and High Armor.(Mixes Spells His Weapons)
*Telerian Psi Warrior-Is Ranged,Very Strong, and has Average Armor.
(Uses Mind Bending Spells, but doesn't Acquire them Early on)
*Telerian Pyromancer-Melee, Very Strong , Average Armor.
(Uses Pyromancy and Basic Attack Skills to Begin With.)
*Telerian Conjurer-Mage Class, Low Strength, Low Armor, Low Speed
(+)The Conjurer is Special Because he Uses the Most Spells Over any of the Characters in the game, In fact he relies on them all.
He Can Heal-Summon-Conjur-Illusionize-?(Secret)?All Characters have different abilities and Disabilities, They should be Obvious by Viewing them.
Screenshots Coming soon sadly(Need to Free Upload Space)
Demo Map & Demo InfoInfo)-
The Demo Ends After 3 1/2 Scenes. It shouldn't be too hard.
The Demo Includes Spells for the Conjurer, and Garum.
The Other 2 Don't Develop them yet.
Warning: Boss at end of Scene3(Temple) is very Complicated. Save before Fight!Demo)Hope you all Enjoy it
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I also am Open to Pm's for Privately telling me Things about the map.
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