we've all seen units hope through buildings and through minerals, but ive never seen em walk up cliff walls... has anyone else every seen this before? i have a replay with it.... if theres interest i'll post it, the zealots in it walk up a cliff wall and into our base.... map is art of defence...
Replay would definately help, as it's probably deceiving you in some way.
Ive seen this trick in a website, You can crawl up walls with an scv, I forgot how to do it, But I know it's a glitch, And it's a great advantage for terran to get up the walls, And for zerg with lurkers, Once they get up there.
Of course we are interested in the replay, it is very dumb to post if we are interested in something like that. Please post is soon as I'm VERY interested in seeing this.
Yea, Why didn't you post it in the first place, Stupid question, Or he just didn't want to take up storage space, Then I could understand that.
ya it was the storage space, i wasnt sure if people had already done/ seen it before, so i figured it would be stupid to post a replay if it's been seen 10 thousand times... heres a replay
this should be the right one.
Interesting. Let me watch this.
Wow that was weird. The zlings did it too lol. I think it has something to do with ppl toggling lights on/off and the stacking.
I have a movie file of it, but SEN wont let me upload .mov files... anyway, becuase of the nature of the replay it doesnt work all the time... but it seems to happen more often with the zerglings and it works well if you keep it on fastest settings during replay.
OOO!! I got one going down a cliff just today. I'm teal in it and its on the upper peninsula of my base. I know I got pwned at the end but it was on purpose.
why do the units go slightly different places in the replay each time?
This is only my theory, but I think that 'replays' in SC don't actually remember everything that happens in a game, rather just records orders given to units and the trigger actions. That is, it doesn't actually record where specific units are at specific times, but re-enacts the game according to the user input and the ai script.
Quite often I find that I record a game, fastforward during the replay about 10 minutes, and then find that the replay looks nothing like the actual game! Maybe its something that can be improved in a patch by Blizzard.
Your theory is correct. Replays just remember actions, but not necessarily their consequences. Also, slight timing differences between what the replay recorded and what actually happened can change the whole outcome of a game.
1st glitch : when there is lot and lot of units they can go away for a tile but, normally, they come back, but here, when they go away they arrive into a "good" tile so they stay there
2nd glitch : this is on a "can you do x tricks" but not a with a cliff, but with siege tanks.
I thought it was impossible with cliffs o_O
WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM you spoony hackers!
I don't wanna see that kinda crap!
I'm not into hacking, and neither is your mother!
Hacking releases the evil in people.
And you are evil.
So that makes you like... super satan.
No no no, two wrongs DON'T make a right in the case.
It just makes it.... more wrong...
(Hey... that almost rhymed...)
this walking on walls glitch can be used for something..... skateboarding anyone?
possible matrix movie scene
well i knew it was possible for things like other units and stuff but i never knew you could do it with cliffs, thats why i was so confused when i first saw it... maybe it is somehting to do with 1.12
NOTE: the units walked up the cliff in the actualy game, not just the replay.