Okay, This melee map making stuff is really harder then you think >.<...But I think i'am getting better...So tell me what you think about this one.
Minimap Image:

Map Information:
Name: (2) Puni Earthquake
Description: (2) Puni Earthquake
Created By: PuniUni
Http://www.staredit.netDimensions: 128x128
Tileset: Badlands
Total Units: 2
Player 1: Human Controlled Terran, 1 units.
Player 2: Human Controlled Zerg, 1 units.
Total Mineral Deposits: 28
Total Vespene Geysers: 4
Total Doodads: 304
Total Critters: 85
Game Version: StarCraft Brood War Expansion
I think I overdid it with the doodads...But Oh well, It's worth it, And finally but not least....THE MAP!
Um, there aren't any expansions. Land on bases are really big and what's with the trench thing in the middle? Not much you can do on this map. Before making your next map try looking a tsome pro ones, like at teamareola.com.
Oh crap, Forgot about the expansion's, I will add more once I get home from school, I will keep working on "THIS" map, To get atleasr a 9/10 rating, Or atleast a 8/10 rating...
Don't get your hopes up.... I have another suggestion to help you improve in general... start watching high rated replays on wgtour.com... get to know how races typically like to play eachother and then expand on that with your own ideas, with no nats on this map and only 2 expansions you put zerg at a huge disadvantage in zvt.
Edit: PS: your school starts at 8? lucky =(
Really REALLY don't think you should be using any square terrains. Looks very ugly. I know there is no ramp for red but maybe you can use the side as the entrace to their base for both of them so you don't have to use square terrain for red's "ramp"
Square terrain is forbidden in any good melee maps. It's melee mapping, not hybrid mapping.
I suggest you just start anew, don't think you'll ever reach even 6/10. Starting a new map would probably take less time ;P
overuse of doodad's, limits the strategy use of building in the middle of the map, as your main defense, try and remove somes. And, make some multi locations
That's exactly why I put them all in the middle, So they couldent mass cannon's in the middle, And be totally resistant from the enemy...Air unit's and ground units couldent get over.
So because of your inability to figure out how to kill cannons you base an entire map upon eliminating your weakness? XD
Killing the cannon's would just be a damn waste of unit's, While your enemy is massing unit's, And your still killing cannons...He could just own you so easily.
oops, i thought i posted in this already, i guess i forgot to press add reply, sorry.
um never use square tiles in a melee map unless you blend it to make it look nice.
a lot of the stuff you put in this map is useless. there are way too many critters, it just clutters the map (has anyone ever seen that sheep level in wc2?). doodads, way too many, there are no expansions. This map is kind of empty yet, packed. you know what i mean? theres too much stuff you dont need and not enough stuff you do need. its also quite unbalanced, this is not a good level for zerg.
I give it a 2/10
1) It's a money map which requires almost no strategy
2) It has square tiles which is forbiden in melee maps
3) No expansions, only 1 per player
4) Too much space, Big advantage for Protoss
5) Not many cliffs or chokepoints, way too good for zerg and bad for terran
6) No strategic terrain
The terrain is pretty bland. Its asthetics shouldnt come from doodads; it should be from a wide variety of different terrain that makes it look good. Also, you should change up the width of the mud in the middle. You have them all the same size doing in different directions. Instead, have some wide, some thin, and switch it up. Same thing with the "cracked" cliffs. Have more, vary them in size. And those "ramps" for the bottom... ugh. Just use regular ramps.
And use real placements in your minerals. Blocky = no effort = ****ing waste of SEN space.
i agree with what you said in this thread mobomojo, but it was dead a week ago, puni has gotten what he needs. You are a little late in responding, Puni gave up on the map, its done, so if you see a thread with a melee map in it, and it seems like no one has posted in it for a while, dont bother, the map is probably done by then.
Heh. Didnt realize that. I just post in the topics that are close to the top, and I find now that there isnt as much activity in this forum as it seemed.