I am currently one of a two man team working on a map based off of a very unique concept. It is an RPG, and we are both talented at triggers. We are currently looking for one person to help out with the terrain, as i am the only one decent at terrain on this small team. While i can do it myself, im not nearly as good as some of those around here at SEN. my AIM handle is AsyranChimp , my email is akuleatvdcore@gmail.com , and the production thread is located here:
http://www.battleforums.com/showthread.php?t=89211Though not currently completely up to date, i'm going to be keeping the public in the dark until we are further into the production. The terrain person will need to have experiance in starforge and other programs, and they will need to be able to create styles that range from oriental to wilderness.
Thank you for your team and dont hesitate to contact me,
Jay, [Akule]
Az [Azreal666]