Im not sure if this belongs in this section of the forums...
Would it be possible if you could kill neutral units and such like mineral patches or beacons?
Pretty sure you can't.
You can kill other units that belong to p12 though. Units with hp.
Would you be able to lower the hp then shoot them?
You can simulate their death by removing them and then creating an explosion in their place... Although, I thought I read something about SC crashing when Start Locations were destroyed.
It might be able to be done with the use of StarForge.
one question that always bitherd me was why did staredit give the beacons health? 1000 health i believe off hand.
Who know's, I guess he just felt like giving the beacons health, But there invincible in the game any way.
they probably have like 100000 hp but u can only see 4 digits
You can kill critters ONLY if you set your units to attack, keep clicking the neutral unit or trigger and SET to Enemy
Terran Beacons can burn down if you put a trigger less then 50% HP
Terran Beacons doesn't crash when it dies also it doesn't have a corpse
[center]Mineral fields are affected by kill triggers, but they have no death animation, just an 'end' in the iscript.
You could give a death animation if you used a trigger, to create, kill a unit right where it was.
Beacons have HP, just like every other unit in SC. It's just got the 'invincible' flag in the CHK, so you can't attack it. I believe it could be possible to give them HP if you hex edit...[/center]