Sounds Good.
-Is this single player?
- How does potion/food healing work? Do you recieve a medic with a certain amout of energy for a short period of time, or is easier to do with triggers?
- If your weapons are invincible, the enemy units will run away slightly when attacked, but this might be the effect you want. Also your civilian will automatically run if attacked, but you might also want this to happen.
Inventory is a line with 8 beacons on top of the line and 8 under the line. Each beacon is a place holder for a certain item. Behind the beacon is the actual item. Inventory space is limited. Use WoW system to where player starts with a backpack that hold 10 items but they find up to 3 pouches that hold 5 items each. With all pouches 25 items can be held.
- Arrows take up no space?
- Are the beacons inventory slots, where you move a unit in order to use that item in the inventory?
- Is 14 wood and 5 iron a bit expensive for a minimal absorbsion shield, seeing as it takes up more than half your total inventory even with pouches? You can get around this by making the same types of units stack in the inventory, but be careful that you give enough space for a reasonable amount or you might get unit unplaceable messages.
- How is the trigger going to work for using one unit with another, e.g. flint with wood?
- Is wood from trees unlimited? I am assuming that you use hatchet next to trees to obtain wooden boards. If the trees are doodads, how do you detect them with triggers?
- 1 Wooden board + 1 arrow head = 1 arrow? Seems a bit wood expensive...
- The barter system is a good idea as an alternative to simply money. It will take a lot of triggers I suppose though. Can you barter multiple items for a more expensive one, or vice versa or multiple items for multiple items, e.g. Iron & Wool for a Potion & Flint?
When you buy a new weapon you must upgrade your weapon unit so the new weapon can be used. Lets say you are using a Broad Sword and purchase a new Long Sword. Your 'Upgrade Sword' counter is set to 1. Then in your inventory you must bring the sword weapon unit to the sword weapon upgrade building (Protoss Building). Then it reads your 'Upgrade Sword' counts and switches them into gas and the upgrade building is given to you. You can then upgrade the sword weapon unit and when you move away from the upgrade building the gas will be set to zero and the building will revert to a computer player. To avoid cheating, gas recival will require that only one weapon unit is at its corresponding upgrade building and the other two weapon units are not at any other upgrade building.
-Instead of of moving your sword to the upgrade building in your inventory, you can just give the upgrade building, say forge, to the player and not allow him/her to upgrade anything else (set a switch or something) until their gas is zero. When their gas is zero, wait a short while for the upgrade to finish and then give the forge back to some other player and allow them to upgrade something else (clear that switch). The advantage of doing it this way is that you don't have to constantly check if they control another upgrade building, and if they forget to upgrade, instead of nullifing it by setting the gas to 0, you can just minimap ping them every so often.
I can't wait for you to make this map! If you need/want help/testing with anything (apart from terraining) just PM me, or see me on Bnet. I think there are some great ideas here.