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Staredit Network -> UMS Production -> DOOM: Deimos Assualt
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Alex Lifeson on 2005-03-03 at 21:53:19
Well, to start off this game isn't gonna be real revolutionary, it's just my attempt to make something good. Using the Raccoon City map as my basis for the gameplay, I'm turning this into a story of a moon-wide demonic invasion on hte facilities of the Union Aerospace Corporation.

The Story so far:
It's August 3, 1995. You are the tactician of a company of Space Marines, the army and navy's "best of the best". You have taken command at a small outpost at the moon of Deimos, 2nd moon of Mars. You are defending a small science facility operated by the Union Aerospace Corporation, the leading producer of Space travel and waste disposal. You, along with 4 other tacticians, are guarding a waste disposal base from any nature preservists and any "space pirates". What would pirates want with chemical waste anyways?

What you don't know:
The Union Aerospace Corporation has been working with a new type of experimental transportation on both Deimos and Phobos, the 1st moon of Mars. Called the Warpgate or Jumpgate, the new transportation device is to be an advancement in travel, being able to transfer one object to another gate in a different location while using minimal resources, even able to run off combustion energy without too much input required. However, something went wrong with the experiments...

Flaws of the Jumpgate:
Objects in transit would occasionally get lost in the travel between gates, or otherwise spontaniously combust after travel, usually catching the recipients on fire. However, the most disturbing occurance is the "Warp Sickness". People who made it through the gate succesfully would often, for days and weeks, start losing sanity, babbling Latin phrases and strange vulgarities among other things. The sickness ended after the subject was shot to death or, the more serious occurance, full body explosion. Matching heads to torsos became a full time job for the Union Aerospace Corporation...

The Secret Project:
To fix the situation, the scientists started creating a new device to speed up object's molecules in travel through the gates so they would move to the next gate even faster as to not get caught by the wormhole and have less chance of losing equipment. The Particle Accelerator prototype was finished late 1994. The working prototype was nearly completed until something happened August 2, 1995...

August 2, 1995, 2130 Hours:
The gates started improperly functioning, the mechanics going beserk and klaxons going off all the time. Strange sounds were emitted from the gates and they had to go through thorough maitenance before the prototype Accelerator could be tested...

Today, August 3, 1995, 0300 Hours:
Creatures started to escape the warp gates. It seemed the Union Aerospace Corporation weren't the only ones who knew how to use the gates. Marines suddenly started firing upon each other with no remorse, and the base was comprimised within the next few hours...

Your Mission:
Get off Deimos. Preferably not in a bodybag. Though you are underequipped and reinforcements are scarce, you must fight back against the creatures of the Jumpgates. You are one of the only people alive who can tell Earth about the dangers of the warp now. This is your final stand. You must find a way to survive, whether it be by escaping on Transport Ships or by activating the Particle Accelerator to shut destroy whatever is in warp by turning its molecules to mush.

Please note as I do not have time at the moment, I cannot post an image of my map nor tell much about it right now. I will submit more as the time allows.
10:51 PM, Thursday.
Alex Lifeson.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by PearS on 2005-03-04 at 01:42:53
I really like that map. How are you going to make it different from that one? Will you control one hero unit or multiple grunt units? Good luck, I hope you can makes yours as good as Panzer Kavalier's is.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by KrAzY on 2005-03-04 at 01:55:22
You should make it like Doom 3 instead of Doom 1 and 2 and game boy advance
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TheDaddy0420 on 2005-03-04 at 02:39:11
word of warning is you should make it as different as possible or else some people might call you a map stealer and thats just no fun wink.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Alex Lifeson on 2005-03-04 at 17:15:51
DOOM: Deimos Assualt part deux
Now that the beginning of the story is layed out, it'll be up to the players to make the ending. Whether or not the base is totally anhilated with no surviors, the creatures are driven back, the rescue ships arriving (maybe even getting destroyed by creatures), or even space pirates fighting the creatures to then kill the survivors of the Space Marines is all up to the player's actions. It's a story meant to be played out in many alternate futures (maybe if you had Paul Muad'Dib on your side you could figure out how the end will turn out without having to work for it.) Of course, does this follow the actual storyline of DOOM? Well, nobody knows as only the Phobos base was attacked at the beginning of DOOM until about 3 hours later where the Deimos base was then attacked while the main character entered the Hangar. So, the gap might as well be filled in.

The Gameplay:
As I said earlier, U.S. Marine Panzer_Kavelier's Raccoon City map inspired me to make this map. Many of the elements are the same, such as having an armoury and getting reinforcements every so often while the enemy keeps getting more men. However, these elements are now a bit warped from what one may expect. You and the enemy get reinforcements from the SAME EXACT PLACE. Enemy reinforcments from Pandemonium and Marine reinforcements from Earth both come from the many Jumpgates on the base. However, the difference between your reinforcement pool and the enemy's is that a each player gets one random man from each pool, a good portion goes to the computer Marine forces (about half at average), while meanwhile the ENEMY gets about 1/3 of the men as a result of the Warp Sickness. Chances are is that if the enemy gets powerful men or too little Marines are defending the area, one could be left with little reinforcements to draw upon. However, to help exterminate the demonic menace, the players can destroy the Jumpgates to efficiently stop enemy forces. However, this prevents reinforcements from being gained by the Marines. And, unfortunatly, the enemy can still get reinforcments from the base from Mission 7: The Spawning Vats and much more areas. And also, there are hidden underground warpgates, but they cannot be destroyed, unfortunatly. Enemies will take over key areas, forcing you to reclaim weapons, power, and communications.

The Bases:
Here is an explanation of all the areas of the game:
The Accelerator Prototype Base: DOOM mission 2-1, Deimos Anomaly. Located at top right. Here, one finds the Particle Accelerator prototype. However, the base is under lockdown and must be opened through the High Command.
The Armoury: DOOM mission 2-2, Storage Base. Located at top left. This is where light weapons and weapon/armour upgrades are located. One may supply men with pistols, assualt shotguns and chainsaws.
The Refinery: DOOM mission 2-3, Refinery. Located below Accelerator Prototype Base. Where nuclear and chemical waste are disposed of in a sanitary fashion. Unfortunatly becomes a breeding place for demons.
Laboratories: DOOM mission 2-4, Deimos Labs. Located below armoury. Where Jumpgate research is studied. If this can somehow be defended, there may be a way to close all the warpgates on the planet. It's unfortunate that there are gates INSIDE the facilities...
Command Center: DOOM mission 2-5, Command Center. Located below Refinery. The main Communications center of the moon. Heavily defended, nobody realized the gates could send DEMONS through...
Energy Plants: DOOM mission 2-6, The Halls of the Damned. Located below Labs. The power source of the moon base. Still running off of old nuclear power, it might become either a saving grace for the Marines, or a weapon of death for Hell...
Shipment and Packaging: DOOM mission 2-7, The Spawning Vats. Located below Command Center. Once the center where one recieved mail and parcels, it has been recreated by the demons into a place to spawn more creatures of death to kill the Marines.
Communications Tower: DOOM mission 2-8, The Tower of Babel. Located below Energy Plants. Transmissions are sent and recieved from this tower. In order to have a tactical advantage, the demons are trying to destroy it so the Marines cannot get reinforcements or any outside help.
The Secret Base: DOOM mission 2-9, The Fortress of Mystery. Located below Shipment Center. The UAC has been placing any dead specimens from warp sickness in here to prevent any wrongful killings and to study thier subjects. The specimens have been getting stronger lately though, but there's no possible way for anything to escape the Union Aerospace Corporation bases...
Note: There is a mindfield in the large expansion above the middle of the map. They are equipped with Smart Sensors to avoid occurences of Friendly Fire. However, not having been used, the mines have been getting faulty...

Weapons that each player can use are listed as follows. Note that weapons are recieved randomly in reinforcment drops.
Pistol: (Ghost) A small weapon used for personal defence, it is not made for pure strength, but it is powerful enough to incapacitate anyone struck by the bullet.
Assualt Shotgun: (Ghost) A weapon made for lightwieght carrying while still being potent.
Combat Shotgun: (Ghost) Adding a second barrel, this weapon has twice the power of an assualt shotgun, but is much heavier.
Chaingun: (Marine) A lightwieght Vulcan Cannon, this is made for assualting enemy positions without the need to reload while firing bullets at a rapid pace.
RPG: (Arctilite Tank) A powerful anti-personal Rocket Propeled Grenade Launcher that can fire over 140 shots a minute in the hands of an extremly skilled Marine.
Plasma Rifle: (Dragoon) An Energy Assualt Weapon, used for wiping out heavily armored forces of enemies within seconds.
BFG 9000: (Reaver) An Energy Artillery Weapon, used for wiping out an entire group of Infantry and Tanks within one or two shots.
Chainsaw: (Firebat) A basic hand-to-hand weapon that Marines primarily use in place of a long-ranged weapon in close combat to cleave through forces in one gouge, slice, or swing.
Berserk Stimulators: (Zealot) A steroid enhancement that acts as a blood coagulant, Adreneline booster and strength-enhancer.

Enemy Forces:
Former Humans: (Follow above list) Thought to be under a warp sickness, the Marines were actually being possesed one by one until the strike against the Union Aerospace Corporation's Base.
Imps: (Hydralisk) The brown grunt of the demonic forces. It is used to assualt and to defend positions, which it does well by the way.
Demons: (Ultralisk) The Assualt Unit of the demonic forces, a huge beast that rips its foes to pieces with its teeth and powerful jaw.
Spectres: (Dark Templar) Used for stealth assualt, it attacks much like the Demon, except it's invisible to the naked eye.
Lost Soul: (Mutalisk) An assualt unit that crashes into its enemies to destroy them.
Cacodemon: (Guardian) A heavy support unit that belches plasmatic balls of fury at its enemy.
Hell Knight: (Zealot) A heavy support unit, it rushes its enemies at close range and pelts them with flames from the depths of Hell.
Baron of Hell: (Goliath) Hailing from Pandemonium, the Baron attacks enemies with fire forged from the center of Hell itself while being able to stand a fight against multiple foes at once.
Arachnotron: (Dragoon) A cybernetic fiend with a hull-mounted plasma cannon, useful for melting multiple foes.
Pain Elemental: (Undecided, whether to be a Carrier or an Arbiter) Containing the souls of the dead trapped in Hell, the Pain Elemental is a flying fiend who can steal the souls directly from anyone.
Revenant: (Vulture) A skeleton dragged down into hell and refitted with Rocket Launchers, it is a deadly foe that can withstand more than one hit whil still dishing out major damage.
Mancubus: (Archon) Armed with twin Plasma-Projectile launchers, it is used for Heavy Assualt and Defence to wipe out multiple foes at once without much difficulty.
Archvile: (Tassadar) The witch doctor of the Demons, anyone that it sees will be almost instantly lit on fire from the Satanic magic of this creature.
The Cyberdemon: (Reaver) Warlord and commander of the demons on Deimos, a towering monstrosity over 2 stories tall that is equipped with a roket launcher that it knows how to use with ease.

I have enclosed a map with the terrain. It is made for one to two people to look at on StarCraft, though it can easily be opened (I think) in StarEdit. StarForge (which I used for map revealers) cut off the tops of the doodads, so you'll have to work by that. Otherwise, that is all.

Oh, and though there are DOOM II enemies in the map, this storyline is from DOOM I.
-Alex Lifeson
Report, edit, etc...Posted by (DB)Baal on 2005-03-05 at 09:49:24
I am liking this idea but the thing is you should really fill in the terrain alittle more. You may be doing that already not sure but in some areas it is really bland and boring to look at >< But it is sounding pretty good keep up the hard work.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by PearS on 2005-03-05 at 13:53:00
[QUOTE]U.S. Marine Panzer_Kavelier's [QUOTE]

He was a marine?

Ya this map sounds super fun but my favorite part about Panzer's map was the roadblocks and such that distracted and held the enemies off. Without these how are you going to let the players avoid taking damage? And if the enemy and good guys spawn at the same place, it will just be a big game of whos got more. Oh and another thing, will the player be allowed to create bunkers?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2005-03-05 at 14:18:26
I really like the story alot..
I like the idea of make the ending crap...
but will there be any Classic doom shit like the weapons,Key cards and skulls and classic enemies?And Doors and acid! And thoses Medic packs!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Alex Lifeson on 2005-03-05 at 15:12:08
QUOTE(PearS @ Mar 5 2005, 06:53 PM)
U.S. Marine Panzer_Kavelier's

He was a marine?

Ya this map sounds super fun but my favorite part about Panzer's map was the roadblocks and such that distracted and held the enemies off. Without these how are you going to let the players avoid taking damage? And if the enemy and good guys spawn at the same place, it will just be a big game of whos got more. Oh and another thing, will the player be allowed to create bunkers?

#1, I think Panzer is still in Iraq.
#2, The only enemies that spawn at the same time as you are the marines that get taken over. Even then,the units are randomly selected from the group so if you've got a guy with a BFG you can wipe out pretty much everyone there (Including yourself.) For some enemies, it's not really who's got more but who's got more power. You could outnumber the enemy, but they can still get things like Revenants and Barons to murder you. It's too complicated to put in words how this will fully work, so I hope that is sufficient for now.
#3, Bunkers? I think there will be buildable bunkers...Problem is that you need to be in control of the Armoury at the same time, and that's all the way in one part of the map...

QUOTE(Wolfmasterkouga @ Mar 5 2005, 07:18 PM)
I really like the story alot..
I like the idea of make the ending crap...
but will there be any Classic doom shit like the weapons,Key cards and skulls and classic enemies?And Doors and acid! And thoses Medic packs!

WolfmasterKouga, what a suprise. You may remember me as PolterGhost before my account screwed up.
Okay, I'll read through your stuff in order....
#1, Weapons are found in my second post with all the enemies from DOOM II also. Everything is retro.
#2, Keys aren't implemented into the game. You more or less have to control certain bases to open certain doors (Or in the case of the Command Center for instance, lose some bases.)
#3, I got a nice cutscene with exploding barrels that will be put into the map. Other than that, no doors.
#4, Stim Packs? No Stim Packs. Not even StarCraft Stim Packs. Maybe StarCraft Stim Packs. God knows at this point.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2005-03-05 at 15:14:59
WolfmasterKouga, what a suprise. You may remember me as PolterGhost before my account screwed up

Do I know you? confused.gif If I KNew you on SC Then I would forget...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by PearS on 2005-03-05 at 16:12:16
Problem is that you need to be in control of the Armoury at the same time, and that's all the way in one part of the map...

Ya but that isn't a really big problem seeing as how you are able to control multiple units. What is the bunker named? I'm curious because I don't recall anything in doom that resembles a bunker. Well, excpet for those towers that overlooked that courtyard in doom 1. Those were bunkerish.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by 007Torrasque on 2005-03-05 at 16:35:56
This looks interesting; my biggest question is(yea, again) What is your battle system going to be like will it be Real time combat or will it not? Also, what about weapons, Dswarm firing system or what? i am very confusd confused.gif Although it does sound fun w00t.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by PearS on 2005-03-05 at 18:07:27
There is no battle system because it isn't an rpg. Weapons will be units, didn't you read his post about them? And yes, it does sound fun =D.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2005-03-05 at 18:51:05
If doom had a battle system... like final fantasy... It might look like this...

Good luck on the map.... I hope it comes out soon...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Alex Lifeson on 2005-03-13 at 18:43:46
lmao, I like that pic.
I've been off the computer for a week, so I didn't get anything accomplished. I'll return to work as soon as I finish my essay on
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