QUOTE(carlsagan43 @ Mar 7 2005, 08:30 PM)
SOme of the older tools on the net are located on sites that are rather old. Andexample of this is SCM toolkit. But eventually, these sites are sure to go under becuase usually it requires money for them to saty up, and the people incharge are eventually going to want to stop paying. So I was wondering if there would be anyone who would want to go to various important websites and get the tools there before they go under and keep them here.
SEN is not even close to dying but other places are. I think we should keep some sort of backup copy of important places like shadowflares web page and the resources at camp creations. This is not intended for stealing purposes but rather to ensure that we dont miss anything. Plus it could add to the quality of the SEN Download Database. A comprehensive database for all the Mapping tools anyone could want.
IF this is a bad idea, please explain why, becuase i cant see anything wrong with it.
That would be a great idea, but I think a lot of places won't like this happening. Yes, I admit it is pretty hard to get stuff off of Shadowflare's website, but I don't think they would like their stuff being stolen. If you could convince them to upload their stuff onto here, then it would be a really good idea. I don't think Shadow's website is going to go down anytime soon; I think it won't be updated again anytime soon.
QUOTE(Yoshi da Sniper @ Mar 7 2005, 08:34 PM)
Keep in mind we're still not a modding site,
We aren't there - yet. Some of the members (such as BST rino and Stealthydeath) are good at moding.
QUOTE(Rhiom @ Mar 8 2005, 09:58 PM)
I'd say a lot of those programs are backed up in thousadns of places, ie on the computers of many of the downloaders. If those sites ever go down i'm sure one out of the many SEN members will still have a copy which they could submit.
Ya, you have a point there. However, I did a search for starforge 2.1 that worked (before SF 2.2 came out). Until I found it on SEN, I could not use a copy that actually worked.