
Players: 4
Tileset: Desert
Size: 128 x 128
Land Expansions: 6
Air Expansions: 4
Post Comments About This Map
Niiice, but like the.pope said, "my only concern is that there isn't a definate choke for terran/toss/zerg to defend."
ADDITION: Can tank fire over the cliffs in the bases? Just wondering....
ADDITION: And 7 o clock expo only has 5 min patches.(NVM!)
sorry for 3 posting but stinking staredit.net went out on me.... u admins better not fine me cause its all ur faults
It is very good and even cept that u are right next to each other which might let people find some bugs. It is very good though! Also it seems that the D is to easy in some ways (ground attcks) and way to hard in others(air attacks). but i like it.
By the way, a 7 for me is great
6- okay...
7- great!
9- if u havnt played this ur an idiot
10- get on ur knees and pray to it
ur a good map maker, ive never seen someone make the bases the same size
Tank canot fire over the cliffs... they would be able to if you can somehow get vision over there which would allow some interesting stratagy...
All expansions are fine... They all are equal in minerals and vespine...
QUOTE(TheOddAngel @ Mar 8 2005, 08:04 PM)
Tank canot fire over the cliffs...
good cause thats one of the things i ment by find bugs
QUOTE(pekkel_the_duck @ Mar 8 2005, 07:48 PM)
Niiice, but like the.pope said, "my only concern is that there isn't a definate choke for terran/toss/zerg to defend."
ADDITION: Can tank fire over the cliffs in the bases? Just wondering....
ADDITION: And 7 o clock expo only has 5 min patches.
actually its supposed to have 5,
there are a few problems, the bottom right expansion has 7 patches when it should have 6.
and the high ground, i dont like it, you can put tanks up there, terran would destroy all other races.
warhammer, check out my maps, i measure each base size, they are EXACTLY the same size.
7/10, its not as great as you guys say, although it is a cool looking map.
I dled the map and opened it...and found one small minor thing. For blue, he can fit a pylon plus 2 cannons behind his mins, which could prove to be unbalanced for others. You could fix that and bases so close to each other will make things like quick drops and possibly fast carriers easy. I know, it's hard to get carriers and it's not a money map, but carriers can be used on maps besides money ones, and a good player can pump them out pretty quick.
It looks good but it's tragically flawed.
A) the bases are too close together risk of 6d
B) Seige tanks can fire at a main from the main (use barracks for vision)
C)If zerg can hold the main with sunkens they can tech to mutes and have an incredibly fast mute main attack.
Sorry if the tank bit is inaccurate, but it looks like it would reach, even so a tank on a cliff that both protected you and attacked the enemy is still a problem you'd need to balance. I'll give you this though, it looks nice. Even though it's perfectly symmetrical (people hated my maps for that =D... well that and their imbalance)
EDIT: Yeah I was the other 3 rating in case you're curious.
QUOTE(Yenku @ Mar 8 2005, 08:11 PM)
warhammer, check out my maps, i measure each base size, they are EXACTLY the same size.
i dont wanna go off topic but how do u measure it??? (im looking to measure a base but..... how?)
Hmmm, I usually use a grid of CC's on mine but you could also try making temporary trigger locations and pasting them.
QUOTE(PsychoTemplar @ Mar 8 2005, 08:18 PM)
It looks good but it's tragically flawed.
A) the bases are too close together risk of 6d
B) Seige tanks can fire at a main from the main (use barracks for vision)
C)If zerg can hold the main with sunkens they can tech to mutes and have an incredibly fast mute main attack.
Sorry if the tank bit is inaccurate, but it looks like it would reach, even so a tank on a cliff that both protected you and attacked the enemy is still a problem you'd need to balance. I'll give you this though, it looks nice. Even though it's perfectly symmetrical (people hated my maps for that =D... well that and their imbalance)
they definately reach, and you can fit a bunch up there.
QUOTE(warhammer40000 @ Mar 8 2005, 08:25 PM)
i dont wanna go off topic but how do u measure it??? (im looking to measure a base but..... how?)
if you want to be perfect, which is hard, use coordinates. but if you just wanna do roughly the same size use a small building like a turret or something.
3/10 because it's a bleeding obvious Terran map. You can place tanks that cliff all players main bases and besides that you can place tanks on just about any cliff where there is ore and own peons.
Fix that problem, and I would probably rate it a 7/10.

It looks nice, but its gonna be a pain vs terran, for the reason which chuiu_os summed up.
zerg over protoss by alot, i would 9 pool every game. Terran over everyone else. id suggest making the space between bases a little bigger(and no spots to land) and a choke that can be at least some what covered in the early game.
5/10 now
Dude... if you would give it a high rating just because it's on a diffrent tile set you really shouldn't be handing out ratings. And stop bringing up dead topics.
No topic is dead until it is closed. You have no place telling me where to post and where not to post. Don't talk unless you have something meaningful to say.
Thanks for deleting the post chuckle

, now I look like an idiot.
EDIT: Luckly I have no life and I never closed the window.
Maybe I'm overeacting, maybe I'm vengeful but I think it's dumb to delete posts people were responding too. Don't do it anymore.
You have no place telling me what to and what not to do—no one is going to give me order. Now, get back to the topic at hand.
I would like to know why desert it worse than other tilesets. That doesn't deserve a lower rating.
Orange players can be considered to have an advantage because they blend in with the terrain. However the 1.12 patch fixed this just press shift+tab twice and it changes your colour to green and your enemies to red. But at the level of which people game here having orange units isn't going to be that unbalancing at all. Not to mention how unlikly it is to get that colour in a 1v1.