They should have some sort of identifying marks or something, because if people see them, they could have more insentive to give money. It could be a good marketing idea.
That is if your interested in making money...
Hmmm... so far there are at least 4 groups. Each group has their own color. 2 of the group's colors are VERY similar. For forsight porposes, no, I don't think this is a good idea. There arent' many colors that show up on green, black,
grey. As for marketting puroses... in the future there might be adds. If you don't want these adds, you have to fork over 20$ bucks. Besides, there is a donor list (but I don't know if it will ever be updated ><)
lol... So, I think this idea is floccinaucinihilipilification, but it was worth asking.