Id suggest that you use Xtra Editor(s) (theres one to download but you get five) it is great for beginners AND experts still use it.
It has P12 mode where you can place Units for P12
Base Mode (Like Campaign Editor but the Critters are given to players)
Alternative (i dont use this much

Special Mode (Places units
ANYWHERE on the map [Except
MEN on
unplaceable terrain] and also has more units to "disable" in the "Disable Doodad State" trigger)
and Classic Mode (Places buildings anywhere like a unit)
I'd recommend
StarForge ONLY for the terrain and mineral/building Stacking
ProEdit to protect your map (NOTE: Once your map is protected, you cannot open it, so make an unprotected copy of that map) and does other things i don't really know yet.
Well i hope this helped you, good luck at map making
PS: This is my first post!

No, I don't recommend using Starforge for the terrian. It screws up the ISOM part of a map (which isn't good... you will NEVER get it back). Use SCM draft 2 for square terrian. It seems to do a much better job then Starforge does (for now?).
The best way to learn is by doing it. The worst these files can do to you is screw your maps up, so I'd make backups if your unsure of what your doing.
SCXE 2.5 - The least buggy, yet advanced map editor. Many new features and five modes to work in.
StarForge -
THE most advanced map editor to date. You can really tinker with options here, but you can also crash your SC frequently. Have fun with this program, it's a blast.
SCMDraft 2 - A less buggy, yet watered down version of StarForge. I recommend this to you before StarForge. This is still in the making, see
Stormcoast Fortress for more details.
True, SCM Draft 2 is a bit watered down and you don't have that great of a trigger editor (for now), but it far surpases Starforge in every other area (no offence meant Hiem).