This is a map ive been working on whenever im burning cd's, and i finnally got the effort to finish the first version of it. So its been made over a few weeks, and because so, I never really had one purpose with it or anything, or really cared about it.
Same basic setup as my last map with the 2 start locations in the upper corners. the only thing i particually like about the map are the two island expansions. Dont know how they will play out in a real game but it feels original. Dont care about lack of doodads, blah blah blah, probally wont work on it anymore,unless it gets rave reviews

, so if you want to take it, be my guest. I <3 ,'s and posting my maps in the weee morning hours.
Everyone after 3 all shout out "this map sucks" ... 1 ... 2 ... "THIS MAP SUCKS" 3 "THIS MAP SUCKS".
OMG n00bs, I sad AFTER 3. God!
Anyway ... It's not that bad. I don't think anyone will be using the bottom of the map untill late game though, because there is an expo right outside and the bases are right next to each other. (watches someone purposely use the bottom of the map creating conflict then posting the replay and saying "HA, told you so") The bases are also a little small, you might want to move the ore around to open up a little more room (like against the side of the map).
I suggest you make the nats mine only and turn the other expos below them into ore/gas.
Zerg wins.
This is a rush map basicly because the two bases are so close toghether and you all know that zerg is the fastest race with which to rush with.
I wouldn't use the lower expansions basicly bnecause there is really no strategic importance to them and I ahev already 3 expansions just for me and I can easily steal the enemy's expansion so there wouldn't be much use for those lower expansions.
Lack of doodads and in the upper part there isn't really much to fight over except the two bases.
Keg, i wouldnt go that far, i would use the bottom expansions as soon as i could. They seem very easy to defend. Plus i dont think zerg would wi nevery time, terran could get a bunker with a few rines in it before zerg would attack with sufficient force, and toss could get sme cannons up there early.
I like what you did with the temple in the middle, thats a cool little design you got going there.
It doesnt seem like you put much effort into the high temple on the bottom corners. you should even it out more.
One other thing, red's natural expansion has more room to build than blue's, better fix that.
this is a rush map basicly because the two bases are so close toghether and you all know that zerg is the fastest race with which to rush with.
toss can block ramp with 2 zeals, there goes rush theory zvp. and if you know z will rush maybe you can do something about it as t like a bunker, or block ramp with 2 scvs with 2 rines behind. if you know your opponent is going to do something try some sort of strategy to prevent it...
I wouldn't use the lower expansions basicly bnecause there is really no strategic importance to them and I ahev already 3 expansions just for me and I can easily steal the enemy's expansion so there wouldn't be much use for those lower expansions.
ya not much importance to them other then to provide minerals.
all those little non-important parts are just to give an advantage to non-terran races. i think that being able to sneak around 12 zeals and have them flank a terran push, or sneak some lings into a expo is quite nice.
thats true pope, if your so sure some1 is going to do something, learn how to prevent it. There are no excuses.
anyway, are you going to continue the map, or not?
The problem with having Protoss and Terran blocking is that you already have the whole map for yourself becasue there is only 1 way out of your main base and you can't fly over the back area of the base because the back area is the end of the map.
If I'm Zerg, and I see that my Terran or Protoss oponent has bunkered/cannoned themself in, I'll start taking all the expansions and starve them to death. I'll always keep my army very close to their main entrance, the ramp, but far away so that tanks or reavers can't get me.
They won't have the capacity to go all out air because I'll be sending overlords to scout their base and harass with a couple of drops. That way they'll have to defend against overlord drops and my army which is knocking on their dorrstep. If they attemp to go air they are done for, I'll just send my whole army in there because they don't have a lot of ground because they only have 1 base whith which to gather minerals.
well put keg, ill have to take your side in this, sorry pope
Meh, if someone posts a rep of them pulling all that off, I'll agree.
If not, then the map is done.
If I'm Zerg, and I see that my Terran or Protoss oponent has bunkered/cannoned themself in, I'll start taking all the expansions and starve them to death. I'll always keep my army very close to their main entrance, the ramp, but far away so that tanks or reavers can't get me.
So i should make a map where if they turtle, you can't expo freely? bravo.
they could move the tanks/reavers foward so they could get you (i think i saw boxer do this in the pimpest plays). And if you have ever succesfully contained a non-noob terran with zerg that had tanks i would love to see the replay.
Well you would have to turtle if zerg kept you holed in. I admit there are trillions of ways out of this but Keg has a point.
I think you should add a player in each of the bottom corners and make it navigable without having to have air units.
If you made it a four player map that would enhance the gameplay so much and make it that much more fun and challenging.
Other than that, it's great.
nahh, it would become too unbalanced, this is a 2 player map. It would not enhance gameplay, I think it would decrease it.
Reason being, both of the players are at the top of the map.
If I were to play a 1 vs 1 on this map, I would choose Zerg and ling rush the opposing player before they had time to make any substantial actions.
Easy rush map—needs some terrain to block the rush for a bit.
Suggestion: Cut off the closest routes so that the land units would have to make a U-shaped route touching the bottom of the map to reach the other side. Also get rid of the rocky terrain near the bases.
The unbuildable terrain is very much necessary should this map last past the early game. One long path would be dumb =/
I actually like this map Pope, i think you should submit it to the DLDB instead of letting everyone forget about it...
QUOTE(PsychoTemplar @ Mar 21 2005, 07:57 PM)
The unbuildable terrain is very much necessary should this map last past the early game. One long path would be dumb =/
But what about zergling rush?
Only newbs lose to a ling rush.
QUOTE(Yenku @ Mar 22 2005, 06:31 PM)
Only newbs lose to a ling rush.
Well, seeing as how a Terran marine is hardly effective against two Zerglings, it's not entirely unexcusable to lose to a rush.
Well this map has one ramp leading to the base, terran or toss could easily baracade that and a marine would be more than efficient at killing lings.
I like the idea.
I think its cool that the southern part of map can't be accessed by ground. If it were, It seems Zerg/Toss would be able to take advantage of this since they will be putting a lot of pressure on Terran early. The mineral block at top middle is kinda neat little bonus. This will be a nice surprise to someone who hasn't played map. I'd play it.