offensivestyle: ...That is almost exactly like Level Up or bounds... I dont think you should wast time creating those, create something like original RPGs or Defence games everyone likes those
no its not going to be like Lvl up bound. u go to diffrent rooms. and each room has a diffrent puzzle to solve, like shooting at a unit to try and get it to a certain place, ect.
Rantent: Would the obsticles be explosions, or would it be like dungeon depths?
Dungeon Depths isn't considered a bound, in my eyes.
there will only be a couple of explosion ones. it will be mostly puzzles that u have to have team work to get through. i havnt ever played Dungeon Depths, but it will kind of be like a dungeon...with traps and ect. but it doesnt lok like a dungeon
D_Scypher: If you can get some sort of presentation there, like a story, instead of just literally dropping players on a big square but at least trying to make it some believable, then I think even that would make it a lot more acceptable than a bound.
right now i am making up a story for it so it will be less of a bound, and alot more fun. it will be a misterious and kind of spooky setting, where u will learn more and more about wat happend wile u go threw the levels.
Oo.Kevjak.oO: Heres an idea for story purpose: grave robbers; but instead of trying to get out their trying to get into trap infested rooms to get treasure and such
well im trying to get more of like u wer put in this place, and u dont no where u r, or why, and u go through the levels and slowly find things out. im not yet 100% sure on my story though
Nozomu: Wow, this map idea sounds suspiciously like the "Trapped" series of Flash games at NewGrounds.
i have never played that game sry, i got my idea from a friend. he made the first Trapped, so i am making the second. but he might of got the idea from there
thnx for all the feedback guys, ill keep answering questions and stuff for more ppl. like i sed i will try and get up a demo here soon. u will be able to tell the dif between this and a bound.