Report, edit, etc...Posted by Ace(T) on 2005-03-12 at 23:23:24
Hello to anyone that cares enough to read this, I am Ace(T) [ fresh map maker ] and i have some/medium experience to UMS map making and i joined to improve my "SCLiteracy" So anyone with advice, keep me posted.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by notnuclearrabbit on 2005-03-13 at 13:04:17
[center]Have a looksie all around the site, you can learn ALOT. Welcome to SEN, by any chance, would you like a pomegranate?[/center]
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Ace(T) on 2005-03-13 at 14:48:45
Well, No. Even tho i do not know what that is. =/ thnx for the welcome.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by KaboomHahahein on 2005-03-13 at 15:13:34