Hi, new to the forums and was just wondering if I could get some feedback on my latest map. I'm calling it Bridges until I can come up with a better name (suggestions?)
It started as a stupid map for my friends and i to play on but I am hoping it could be more. Anyway any help is appreciated. Thanks
First of all, there isnt any high or raised terrain, that goes for no strategies, Second Terran would have an easy time defending the double bridges with bunkers or seige tanks. Finaly Player 1's start area is a little bigger than the others.
...The main bases each have 11 mineral patches in them. Maybe you should cut that down to 8 or 9.
Try experimenting with the terrain. We won't shoot you down for it... much...
I was thinking it might be biased towards terran. I can't really see where I would add elevated terrain without redoing a major part of the map But the start locations I'm going to try to make elevated and use ramps instead of choke points.
and the number of minerals in the main is a little excessive. I'll change that too.
Any way you guys think I could make the map a little more Zerg, Protoss friendly?
Thanks for the suggestions.
HAHAHAHA more zerg toss friendly? it isnt ENOUGH? large space, tons of mins, no highground. Thats perfect for toss and zerg.
Here, you're new here so lemme teach you some ground rules.
(im just mentioning whatever comes to mind).
1. Starting minerals at bases, never more than 8
2. minerals at other bases, never more than 8, usually 6-7
3. Do not always put a geyser where there are minerals.
4. Use lots of kinds of terrain, never use just one elevation or one type of terrain.
5. Same goes for doodads. Doodads allow microing, which is how you win a game. Someone here said this before, a marine can almost take down 2 hydras when behind a doodad. Doodads lessen the chances that the units is hit. Plus they make for good hiding.
6. Put critters in a map it makes it feel more lifelike, for me at least.
7.Make sure that everything is balanced, same size land, not necesarily same shape.
8. i.Protoss favor lots of resources and open space.
ii. Terran enjoy high land with tanks, and choke points.
iii. Zerg expand alot, thats thier behavior, make lots of expansions, and are bad attacking through one choke point.
9. Its not really a rule, but try to make your map look professional and easy on the eyes. Never overdo anything, terrain, doodads, critters, resources, etc.
So basically your map right now does not favor terran much.
Things to add: I recomend putting a patch of high dirt on each main base, and the middle should be high dirt. Also, put 5 minerals on the high dirt in the bases.
Critters? no critters? I love blowing them up by clicking them or just killing them, come on.
Things to take out: MINERALS.
oops, as for a name, dont leave it as bridges, make it something like: Yenku is da coolest. Just kidding, ill think of something.
way too many minerals around the map, but i like the setup of the map.
ok new version, There are no Doodads or critters
YET but there will when i put the finishing touches on it. I added a high ground to each main base with mins only and made the center high ground.
I also took away a lot of minerals and added gas to the outside of the base expansions as they no longer serve as natural expansions. Hope V 2.0 makes a better impression.
Updated map and image at the top
I like the change but how are players supposed to hide their stratagies? Put all their tech buildings in their nat XD? Some of the resourse placment is unbalanced at the mains. You could make the minerals just go along the sides of the bottem bases, otherwise newly build workers will have to sift through all the mining workers. The gas for the bottem two players shouldn't be further out than the top two geysers, either move the top ones or move the bottom ones to make that balanced. One last thing, if you're going to make ramps leading up from the main base into that nat make sure theres a healthy amount of space to get to them, I can see it being a pain to get up there at the top two bases.
Overall, looks pretty good, keep working on it.
I would really like to know. Is this your first map? If it is, it is very good map. (LIE AND SAY IT IS!!!!
This is much better than 1.0.
Mineral amount is much better, placement is still a bit shaky as Pyscho said.
I like this map though. I would like to test it with you. My B.net name is (Take a wild guess) Yenku (@UsEast).
I'll be on in a few days to play.
Only thing I don't like is how everything is in perfect proportion. When I walk outside I don't expect to see everything in perfect proportion.
..... Umm, well would you rather play an unbelievably unbalanced unfun game?
Almost every pro map is in proportion like that. Thats what makes a map good.