Congrats, odd, you most likely the only person that spesified what unit they would like to be.
QUOTE(TheOddAngel @ Mar 14 2005, 02:10 PM)
This sounds like it would be one of the better maps out there...
I would be glad to test it
Capture the flag should only be in the map if it is HARD.
Example: Halo 2 = Easy
Example: RainbowSix3 = Hard
Spell casters:
Dont really understand
My favorite unit is a marine but out of what you chose
i would have to say the Science Vessel
Hope I can be A Tester
It's that that hard... It's just as hard as a map that revelade made. It featured tux's spell casting system. As for CTF, well, it's going to be just as hard as any of the CTF games in a sniper map.
QUOTE(l)ark2004 @ Mar 14 2005, 02:45 PM)
Hey, SA!
I would love to test/help on the map!
I'm not to sure about my reputation, but I am on the SMT so that works for me not releasing the map to the public!
As for the CTF goes... I made one but I messed it up... I love CTF though.\
If I were to be a tester I would want to be a defiler moving up and down really fast!
SMT Writer
1., My name is Max. Not SA_. SA_ is the clan I am in.
2., if you have gotten into the SMT, then your reputation must of been good enough.
QUOTE(LegacyWeapon @ Mar 14 2005, 02:57 PM)
It really depends on when I need to be on everyday, and how long I will need to be on. Also I need to know when it will start the beta testing where I will need to be on everyday.
Well, I only need one other person to help me test it. I would prefer, however, to get a 3vs3 game to happen. I am quite flexable with my schedule, so...
QUOTE(Rantent @ Mar 14 2005, 05:17 PM)
Well, shoot, I was making a snipers map with multiple units (among other new advances in mapping.) I thought that I would have been the first, but now I see this.
Anyways I would like to test this map of yours. I meet all the requirements, I think. (I'm not quite sure what my reputation would be)
Hmmm, I guess I will let you help test my map with me. I would prefer to see a map that you made before you are a tester, but it doesn't matter that much. I estimate I will have it done in 12 hours (10 hours for sleeping, 2 hours for mapping).