Hey guys! Its me Wolfmasterkouga but I like my new user name better! I see i've been banned for a few days but thats ok....
I guess the admins and mods don't like to play Piss off the admin and mod game!
Oh well....
Anything new? Other then my wolfmasterkouga is gone....
For now i'll be makin my random Polls every once in a while...
Ummm you sure they let you back in the forums? I don't think they ban for about 2 week...I though you got IP banned. Ah well.
Welcome to Staredit Network.
[center]Welcome back to SEN, by any chance, would you like a pomegranate?[/center]
well well welcome back. dont do that again or else yoshi will track you down like it aint funny. welcome to staredit.net
No... I think I'll just ban him again. BTW, If I find you come back, I'll report you to your internet service provider, and you'll lose your internet service provider. I don't think your mommy and daddy would be too happy about that now would they?