for interesting melee play, i have attempted to make maps where players start in different circumstances. some being on islands, and some attached to opponents or allies.
has this been done many times before?
will these maps have a chance at being balanced? ex you play random and get zerg stuck on an island
would anyone be interested in playing a game like this?
Never. It unbalances EVERYTHING. It gives players shitty chances. Play this out in your head with me. There is a Protoss and a Zerg that start right next to eachother. They have been battling since 5 minutes after the game starts. After 15 more minutes, They still got nowhere except Protoss starts winning because hes on a hill above the zerg.
Then out of nowhere Terran come and kick both thier asses with like 40 tanks and 500 goliaths because they were on an island the whole time.
I think he meant in team maps, otherwise I would have to agree with Yenku. But in a team map with good communication both players island members could be used to sway battles. I kinda like this idea, but I'm a huge fan of 1v1s so it's wierd. Try to make a somewhat complex map with routes of open space and otherwise and it should be cool. Just make sure UMS is on =D.
hmm, that would be interesting. Sorry for the mistake.
I guess you could do that, but it would be odd.
You could have one person be upfront and get defence on thier island, and other players be farther back with more gas and they can get offence.
ya i did mean team maps thanks for clearing that up
I like the ideas depending upon if the players starting locations are balanced or not. You just have to give all the players an equal chance to thrive.
If everything is completely unbalanced, say where one player has the advantage over all of the others, I think that would just plain suck.
But, I think what you're saying could possibly be a good idea if it was tweaked to perfection.
ADDED: The fact that I was stating my opinion in this post was not stating the obvious PsychoTemplar. Be careful what you say because it may make you sound retarded.
Uhhhh, no shit? Way to state the obvious.
Fortune, we aren't unbalancing the map. We are having team players, say in a 2v2, one be upfront with the goods to start as a good defensive player and the other as a good offensive player. You would play it in UMS, so you know where you are starting so you can choose your race accordingly.