Well I've desided to drop all the other maps I've been trying to produce, so that I could be one of the first people to use extended terrain as a map. I decided to make a snipers/Capture the flag/King of the hill/Territories command map. It involves a few new Ideas, at least from what I've seen.
The team selection is done in the forces area, using User selectable races. Zerg Team 1, Terran: Team 2, Protoss: Individual. This gives the map vast capabilities for teams, (examples: 6v1,3v2v1v1,2v2v1v1v1)
The other ideas aren't that special, but I haven't seen them in other snipers maps, such as special powerups (Invincibility, intant death, ect.), and detecting who is the team leader in teams.
Hey! That sounds like a really good idea!
Goodluck with it, it will probably take some work, but im sure you can handle it.
If you need any help, let me know, I have a solution to everything
I dont lie. WELL, GOOD LUCK!
Hey well, I'm in need of a little help right now. I'm looking for some sort of powerups that I could use for the map. So far I have Heal, Energy Restore, Invincibility and Deaths Touch (Kills any enemy within one block of your main character.) I'm only looking for two more powers, and any help would be appreciated.
Other than that, I only need to finish the triggers for Terrain Control, which seems like a breeze compared to CTF triggers.
I still don't believe that any sniper map other than that of one in which your sniper is a ghost will work on starcraft. The "sniping" gamers on starcraft has a specific type of map they "snipe" on, and I don't think that the population will change that.
Besides, years of tweaking has gone into the sniping map they use. I just don't see how any new sniper idea could parellel that of the old type, or how it would get popular.