I have decided to create a Broodwar Campaign to follow along with the actual Broodwar storyline. This Terran Campaign follows up the Zerg Campaign: The Queen of Blades, which is about Kerrigan's quest to defeat the Templar and the various Terran nations.
Background Information on the Zerg Campaign: The Queen of Blades
Epilogue to: The Queen of Blades
Shortly after Dugalle's defeat, the remainder of the UED Fleet was overtaken by Kerrigan's forces and eradicated. No UED vessel ever made it back to Earth to report what had transpired.
With his rag-tag fleet beaten and crippled, Arcturus Mengsk fled back to Korhal to lick his wounds and plan the reconstructions of his Terran Dominion...
Artanis and the Protoss survivors returned to Shakuras to begin rebuilding their once glorious civilization...
Zeratul and James Raynor went their seperate ways and have not been heard from since their departue.
And alone, floating on a dark platform above the burnt-out planet of Char, Sarah Kerrigan, the Queen of Blades, sat and lorded over the ravenous swarms. Unable to shake over the feeling that a great threat loomed just over the horizon, Kerrigan could only stare off into the vastness of space where she beheld a great void. Or perhaps a reflection of a hollow-victory and of the trials yet to come...
END EPILOGUEInformation on my Terran Campaign: The Subsequent to Death
Prologue to: The Subsequent to Death
After steady restlessness, citizens and authorities from the planet Earth decided it was time to send an invasion to end the Terran Dominion's existance and Mengsk's long and brutal reign.
Soldiers drafted and laborers were hired all over the Earth in a united effort to achieve the common goal, the Terran Dominion's destruction. This desperate period of reconstruction became known by many as the UED's return.
After hearing many rumors about this reconstruction, General Arcturus Mengsk did the same built-up Korhal's defenses to ensure the safety of his rule over the Terran Dominion.
With the whole human existance on alert, ready to pounce on the opposing side, the UED rose up once again and declared war on the Terran Dominion!
END PROLOGUEThe first map in my campaign will be called:
The UED Invasion on the Terran DominionMap Settings:
Size: 192x128
Players: One Player
Screenshots (Out of Game):Primary Target(s):Starting Position(s):Personal Note: I will be posting more information on the map as I get further into it and will also be posting more information on the sequels to it.