Pretty simple stuff... just bigger ramps, was thinking about that for my next map but I wanted to wait for my competition to end. The last ones in PGT and some of them I can't even see the extended terrain in. But nice find I guess.
Hmm, where is the extended terrain in the last two?
I guess thats pretty cool. I agree i like the last two maps.
Avalon also looka pretty cool. Thanks for the link Chu.
There isn't extended terrain in a couple of them but they deserve being shown anyway.

Requiem is a rose.of.dream map. i like the way he uses resources as doodad like wall in the middle, but made it so you cant really mine it. I think that the games played on it were not very good when it was used in some korean leauge. games didnt last more than 10 minutes most of the time.
Argh.. I guess no one wants to see my extended terrain map then... It's ASYMMETRICAL!! SO HMMPH!
The map Avalon looks pretty fun. I wanted to download it, but couldn't decipher where the link to dwnld was? If there even is a link? I need to find my winxp disc to install korean language pack.
come on man, this topic was dead 2 weeks ago. get with it.