I noticed in a new patch they bothered adding a map preview just before you start the game... and I was thinking it would probably be easier to increase the max amount of sprites/units the game can handle... I don't know about you guys, but I find it sad when my units are firing blanks because a sprite can't be created
I remember Clokr told me a long time ago sprites (like trees) were effected by the move/remove triggers and this was "fixed" because it was considered a glitch... that could have been used by crafty mappers for so many special effects!
Well, let's start a list of demands... I mean requests. Anything you felt Blizzard is overlooking (even on purpose).
I know I'm being naive, but here's what I hope for:
1. Allow sprite creation/deletion.
2. Include an updated units.dat file so we can create those mineral containers, cacoons, basically the extra units you can place with SF.
3. Fix the memory associated limitations of the game.
4. Add options to manipulate wavs (stop / loop).
5. Give more priority to the map mpq, let us have more control over units stats.
6. Starcraft kills W3
7. Give more scripts or orders to control special abilities for units (order flash bang, emp, lift off/land... upgrade stuff)
Some of these changes would take almost no effort to make. But I can understand from a marketing perspective it's not in Blizzards interest to make them
What do you guys think?