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Staredit Network -> UMS Production -> N i t E : Brim of Escape
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Screwed on 2005-03-18 at 22:33:41
[center]NitE : Brim of Escape[/center]

[center]Interactive Revolutionary Real-Time Combat Rpg[/center]

[center]Technical Information[/center]
Players: 1
Game Type: Fixed (Twisted) Plot Action/Horror/Interactive Rpg
Period Set: Future (22nd Centuary)
Tileset: Badlands
Map Size: 256x256
Difficulty: Hard
Length of Gameplay: Medium
Brim of Escape Maps: 2 maps (2 parts)
Part 1 Levels: Maximum 7
Part 2 Levels: Maximum 5
Amount of NitE Series Maps: Unknown
Demo estimated release: May 2005
Demo Constructed Percentage: 1.2 % (Weapon system done, General HP system progress halted. Working on interactive system part 1 - barrel destroying, entering rooms etc, search corpse.)
Demo Expected File Size: 800 kb

[center]Construction Percentage[/center]
Demo Construction

[progress]95[/progress] 95%
Engine Triggers
[progress]1[/progress] 1%
(However, around 400 triggers done)

Storyline/ Plot Triggers
[Progress]3[/progress] 3%

Special FX
[Progress]0[/progress] Not started

The CNC (Colesce Nation Corporation) has brought the latest technology to the civilizations of the Earth, and they will not let go of a chance of them being the most famous and richest entity ever. With the Earth's population breaching an unsustainable amount in the 22nd Centuary, the CNC has discovered a alienetic planet which is believed to be life sustainable. They have mastered the power to open a portal to that dimension and set up a teleportation beacon. However it isn't as easy as it looks. Darus, the founder of CNC has promised to avoid any possible dangers delt to Earth so they decided to carry their portal tests on the largest space colony ever built, the Revelation X-300. When they practised testing the portals, they have disrupted the balance of the universe. They have plotted the universally correct coordinates, but not inter-universal. The portal opened them to a whole new dimension and these forces are overwhelming the space colony, now becomes the 50 by 50 km piece of metal junk floating in space, which is inhabited by 80,000 citizens. As everyday approaches, these citizens are massacred by an unknown species of creatures and turning into zombies.  The control tower tried to contact the Earth, but signal transmitters has been blocked by an invisible barrier around the space colony. Whatever the technology these alien creatures possess, Darus will be standing in your way to leave this space colony, as if he wants the whole space colony to perish and suffer the failure of this experiment. Now you being a scientist who was rerecruited for this project after retired 2 years ago has bumped into a series of events that will influence your life forever. Removing your lab coat, with the ability to harness to most powerful technology and weapons at your disposal... you have to make it out of this terrorised city alone, being on the Brim of Escape.


Systems are a major key in this map, the core of the map in fact. Here are a few systems that will perhaps be a break through in map making.
* Interactive Selective system (as in qPirateKing's Interactive system) - More sophisticated, now you can choose more options.
* Primary Weapons and Secondary Weapons - A weapon system that contains weapons such as a Gravity Gun that can move barrels or orb balls or slow down incoming units, Bazooka or grenades that can deal devasting effects and Bug Baits that can lure bugs that is at your disposal. Each unit also have their own specials.
* Resources - Materials and Battery. Your weapons and other things you do drains materials and battery. Some weapons have large battery consumption and some have none. It all depends how you use them.
* Real Time Battle - Real time battle with aliens with a sophisticated virtual HP bar.
* Interactive Surroundings - Can destroy barrels, talk to civilians, drive vehicles, perhaps going into houses.
* Enemies - Enemies such as machine gunners (yes humans have arrived from the Earth in an attempt to destroy the entire space colony to eradicate evidence - this also means you) (Not really special, just saying it) Enemies also sometimes use their owne abilities, such as some bugs (broodlings) will immediately be moved to your unit as if they were jumping. I have other enemy specials written down. I know a lot of things are coming soon, but I just don't want to give out these ideas yet. >_<""
* AI system - The most advanced system I have thought about. You can instruct your ally comrades to cover for you, be aggressive or defensive and more. They will also get into formations and use trees (trees in the artificial environment of the space colony city), walls to their advantage and evaluate terrain. They will also occasionally  talk to you about hearing incoming forces etc.
* Weapon System - The weapon system possesses bullets for each weapon - how much is deducted per kill for each weapon, and you have to use them correctly in your environment. There is also a raising death counter when you kill something and increases the likelihood of your weapon breaking (your weapon then is removed from your univentory). Some weapons are easy to retrieve back such as a machine gun (just kill a soldier) and bazookas are harder.
* Items - Such as flashlights (a flashlight system), flare bombs, potions, or beeping boxes (disrupts soldier's attention) that can be used to reach your unit's full potential
* Character Statuses - Your character will get paralysed, burnt or poisoned etc. There are also bars showing your unit's oxygen level, body temperature, toxic level, fire/water resistance and impact levels. (Perhaps more) All these statuses will effect your character.
* Speech - Your character can sometimes accept or decline someone says. Units will also talk to you regularly. In the middle of the game, you will obtain a equipment that allows you to read the minds of specific people.

More systems developing in progress.

In addition to the above here are some more:
* Cinematics - occasional cinematics that allow you to get into the depth of the story.
* Terrain - Although not the best terrainer, I will try my best to build and convey the atmosphere that is intended with terrain.
* Side Quests MAY be available. However, it may not be incorporated due to some restrictions.
* Trying to develop uniqe boss fights.


19/ 3/ 05
- Started thread
- Finished default Primary and Secondary weapon switching
- Finished Menu List
- Layed out 90% of ideas.

20/ 3/ 05
- Did 150 triggers on General HP system/ Damage sytem
- Did some terrain
- Added two screenshots
- Layed out transport triggers on notepad
- Thought of 4 level concepts

21/ 3/ 05
- Did 80 triggers on General HP system/ Damage sytem
- Did more terrain than 20/03
- Added two screenshots (terrain)


Organising and Commenting Soon


Organising and Commenting Soon

[center]Order of Levels and Sidequests[/center]

Organising and Commenting Soon

[center]Playing tips/ Guide - If you're totally stuck tongue.gif[/center]

Organising and Commenting Soon

[center]Map Making Detailed Information[/center]

[center]Weapon Information[/center]

]Primary Weapons:[
1 (Melee): Gravity Gun
2 (Handgun): Magnum
3 (Rapid Fire Gun): Acid Gun
4 (Concentrated Shots): Shotgun
5 (Mass destruction): Bazooka
6 (Other): Bug Bait

]Secondary Weapon:[
1 (Melee): Crobar
2 (Handgun): None
3 (Rapid Fire Gun): Machine Gun
4 (Concentrated Shots): Pistol
5 (Mass destruction): Grenadier
6 (Other): Flashlight

[center]Primary Weapons[/center]

Gravity Gun:
Damage - None
Ammo - N/A
Reload time - N/A
Description - Developed to grab hold of toxic materials in science labs or remove land mines in war, now with this new gun, you can be able to control flamable gases and chuck them at enemies. If you aim your Gravity Gun at an enemy, they slow down - which is effective if you are chased by around 3 or 4 zerglings and have low HP. You can only slow down a maximum of 3 units at a time.
Abilities- Wormhole: attracts close enemies towards you and killing them when  contact.

Damage - High
Ammo - 6
Reload Time - 5 seconds
Description - The closet you can get with the shotgun, except with higher travelling speed. Effective against zombies, gota love it when you give them a headshot!
Abilities - Headshot: instantly kills a zombie.

Acid Gun:
Damage - Medium
Ammo - 40
Reload Time - 6 seconds
Description - Firstly devloped by the CNC to use against potentially dangerous biological creatures, now you have it in your hands, melting down the surface of any material that has contact with it..
Abilities - Poison: Gives units to a neutral player temporarily so wont attack and possess less of a threat. (Also has irradiate ability from science vessel)

Damage - Extremely High
Ammo - 8
Reload Time - 8 seconds
Description - One of the oldest  weapons used in combat. Although your unit progresses at extremely low speed, it can wield a good defence when stanced and blasting in coming zombies. Unlike other weapons, this weapon reloads one at a time so you can still attack when you are reloading  happy.gif
Ability - Explosion: A add-on made by CNC for this weapon is the auto target explosion. Extremely effective when blasting a pack of zombies. (Also with storm ability)

Damage - Hyper High
Ammo - 2
Reload Time - 12 seconds
Description - This weapon has been patched by the CNC with a advanced energy emitter. Ranging from tanks to humans or obstructions. You name it. Obliterating is the task of this baby.
Ability - Blast: Generates Forcefield with the emitter that avoids all enemies from getting close. Useful when reloading, however the forcefield is not wide enough to hold off high ranged units such as snipers.

Damage - None
Ammo - N/A (Limited)
Reload Time - N/A
Description - Orginally used as a balanced nutrient source for biological creatures in the space colony labratory, using this - you can summon zerglings from the ground and call them in combat with you. Note however, they sometimes will not listen to you if you confront another human enemy with a bugbait.
Ability - Summon: Summons more efficient bugs to your side. Also creates lurkers beneath your character temporarily to deal spread damage to enemies.

[center]AI features (what I'm planning you can do - not how it works)[/center]

* Agressive - Allies respond ferociously to enemies.
* Defensive -  Allies avoid enemies
* Follow - Allies follow you around
* Disable Follow - What it says smile.gif
* Freelance Mode - Units go patrolling around the place and when they step on certain ' locations ' something happens. Useful when scouting or trying to find something.
* Defensive Positions - Sometimes usable, sometimes not. Usually effective when large forces are coming and terrain is efficient to use.
* Cover - Units surround your character in an attempt to shield you from attacks. (If you want the actual covering you like in CS, just disable 'follow' your allies on a cliff and they'll watch over u:))
* Retreat - Yes a retreat, my sysytem should work, but it should screw up too >_< (Not too often though, unless you play so many times and find out how the system worked and started screwing with it)

There will be more, just can't remember all I thought about when I was planning.
Additional to that, the allies evaluate terrain and respond to the forces that are in coming, or say that he hear footsteps around the corner or tells you to reload smile.gif Occasionally, allies may supply you with med kits.  biggrin.gif

These are the main idea of the map  :P .


- Thanks 007Torrasque for helping with some text colour tab problems!
- Thanks for Dark2004 who is on msn all the time motivating me behind the scenes and listening to my ideas.


* Terrain Screenshots on Level "Dig into the Past" Added!
* Looking for Internal Demo Testers in around 4 weeks, details posted below
* Introduction Wave added. Check bottom of this page. smile.gif
* Looking for more suitable waves
* Working my ass off on 5 day Easter Break this week smile.gif
* Trying to save as much strings and locations as possible

[center]Testers Requirements : Invite start on sometime in April.[/center]

* I ask quite for a bit about map testers so here it is  pinch.gif :
* You will be invited by me to test my map. You can immediately accept or decline with no offence taken  smile.gif
* If you really want to test the map, you can PM me, but usually I will say no.. please don't feel I have anything against you. And notice I don't just choose my best friends, I ask people who have experience and have interest in this map.
* You need to have commitment that you will support me to the end of this
* Have shown that you have understanding of map making, and perhaps skill in the real time combat rpg genre
* Ready to contribute
* You have to realise the tests will have bugs, and isn't just given to testers to play and have fun. They should be able to give bug reports, suggestions.
* No versions in internal beta test is to be distributed in anyway, even if protected. Unless it is between other testers or with my authorization.
* All testers will be given credit in the map

I may sound like I'm asking for quite a bit, but more then half of those would be what someone would expect their testers to do closedeyes.gif 

Enjoy, and feedback is highly appreciated and definitely accepted.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Forsaken on 2005-03-18 at 22:41:10
w00t Go Screwed!

Well, I am really looking forward to this map!

These systems will be awsome! I really,really want you to finish this!

Everybody that posts here you can help me help Screwed.


Writer for SM
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ShadowBrood on 2005-03-18 at 22:46:10
Wow, lookin forward to this man. Any other screens you can post aside form those?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Screwed on 2005-03-18 at 22:50:05
Thanks Dark and Shadowbrood for posting, but shadowbrood, I haven't got much done yet except the weapon system and some other triggers pinch.gif . I will definitely pump out more screenshots later. However, I am making sure the entire engine is made and perfected before I start making the plot because I can just place units and do the terrain (and add cinematics and units talking triggers) and I will know everything will work accordingly to the engine.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Wilhelm on 2005-03-18 at 22:55:25
Sounds pretty good. I can help with terrain, I'm not wonderful, but I'm willing to help.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Bringer on 2005-03-18 at 23:41:38
Glad your finally makings your NITE map. Good luck and keep it up. Also don't let teh whiners or naggers or naysayers get to you.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by 007Torrasque on 2005-03-19 at 00:14:13
Yay, if you tell me your MSN Screwed ive got some ideas if you want =)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Screwed on 2005-03-19 at 02:38:30
I will post the weapon information now - Thank you for the people who responded and your comments.

Bringer(MC): Thanks Bringer, I will keep that in mind.
Torr: I PMed you my address. smile.gif

Primary Weapons:
1 (Melee): Gravity Gun
2 (Handgun): Magnum
3 (Rapid Fire Gun): Acid Gun
4 (Concentrated Shots): Shotgun
5 (Mass destruction): Bazooka
6 (Other): Bug Bait

Secondary Weapon:
1 (Melee): Crobar
2 (Handgun): None
3 (Rapid Fire Gun): Machine Gun
4 (Concentrated Shots): Pistol
5 (Mass destruction): Grenadier
6 (Other): Flashlight

Primary Weapons

Gravity Gun:
Damage - None
Ammo - N/A
Reload time - N/A
Description - Developed to grab hold of toxic materials in science labs or remove land mines in war, now with this new gun, you can be able to control flamable gases and chuck them at enemies. If you aim your Gravity Gun at an enemy, they slow down - which is effective if you are chased by around 3 or 4 zerglings and have low HP. You can only slow down a maximum of 3 units at a time.
Abilities- Wormhole: attracts close enemies towards you and killing them when contact.

Damage - High
Ammo - 6
Reload Time - 5 seconds
Description - The closet you can get with the shotgun, except with higher travelling speed. Effective against zombies, gota love it when you give them a headshot!
Abilities - Headshot: instantly kills a zombie.

Acid Gun:
Damage - Medium
Ammo - 40
Reload Time - 6 seconds
Description - Firstly devloped by the CNC to use against potentially dangerous biological creatures, now you have it in your hands, melting down the surface of any material that has contact with it..
Abilities - Poison: Gives units to a neutral player temporarily so wont attack and possess less of a threat. (Also has irradiate ability from science vessel)

Damage - Extremely High
Ammo - 8
Reload Time - 8 seconds
Description - One of the oldest weapons used in combat. Although your unit progresses at extremely low speed, it can wield a good defence when stanced and blasting in coming zombies. Unlike other weapons, this weapon reloads one at a time so you can still attack when you are reloading happy.gif
Ability - Explosion: A add-on made by CNC for this weapon is the auto target explosion. Extremely effective when blasting a pack of zombies. (Also with storm ability)

Damage - Hyper High
Ammo - 2
Reload Time - 12 seconds
Description - This weapon has been patched by the CNC with a advanced energy emitter. Ranging from tanks to humans or obstructions. You name it. Obliterating is the task of this baby.
Ability - Blast: Generates Forcefield with the emitter that avoids all enemies from getting close. Useful when reloading, however the forcefield is not wide enough to hold off high ranged units such as snipers.

Damage - None
Ammo - N/A (Limited)
Reload Time - N/A
Description - Orginally used as a balanced nutrient source for biological creatures in the space colony labratory, using this - you can summon zerglings from the ground and call them in combat with you. Note however, they sometimes will not listen to you if you confront another human enemy with a bugbait.
Ability - Summon: Summons more efficient bugs to your side. Also creates lurkers beneath your character temporarily to deal spread damage to enemies.

Secondary weapon profiles coming later. smile.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TheOddAngel on 2005-03-19 at 12:56:08
I think the main feature of htis map will be your weapon and menu systems?
it sounds really interesting and I hope you get it finished

Will there be a Trailor For It? Or a Demo?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Screwed on 2005-03-19 at 13:40:45
OddAngel: Yes, the focus will be on the Weapon System. I chose the game to be 1 player so it can be as complicated as possible. A brief summary of how the damage system works is that your character will have minerals and gas as his health and armour. If his armour is high, then his receive less damage. If his armour is low, then you receive extremely high damage.

However, I'm also focusing on the AI system, I will not tell how it works just for now smile.gif

Well, about the trailer, I probably won't make one, or maybe not plan to make one. Since everytime I make one, I spend too much time and get carried away. There will be a demo, maybe in May, which I will focus on one particular level - not the first level, since what I plan for the first level is extremely long winded and may get boring.

What you guys can do to help me is perhaps suggest ideas on Weapon Specials, Quests, Boss Battles, Items, AI features (What you would like to see the AI to do smile.gif), Character Statuses etc.happy.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Screwed on 2005-03-20 at 04:40:25
Sorry, for double posting, but I decided to update my thread. smile.gif
- Posting Secondary Weapon Information Later.

* Today I did around 150 triggers on the General HP system and laid out fundamental trigger formats for the using transport systems on notepad.

This is the basic idea of how the General HP system work:
There is a zergling that is contantly moved under your unit and as long as its under you, your character is invincible. However, I will later set a trigger that issue order all close enemies attack towards your character, so they will attack the zergling. Once the zergling is dead, your character will start losing virtual HP (Minerals) and Armour (Gas). The amount you lose will determine on what units are beside you, how many there are and how much armour is left. In addition, when the zergling is killed, your unit loses invincibility so the enemy will start attacking your character. However, I will keep on restoring your character's health, so your character wont physically die. You only 'die' when your mineral health bar reaches zero. If you move your character away from your enemy's range, another zergling will be created under your character and he will restore invincibility again.

Example on unit damage:
1 Hydralisk in 2.5 grid radius of character (All damage are written in damage per second)
- Deals around 70 damage to Health and 35 damage to Armour when armour is 75 % +
- Deals around 88 damage to Health and 88 damage to Armour when armour is between 50 and 75 %
- Deals around 110 damage to Health and 138 damage to Armour when armour is beween 25 and 50 %
- Deals around 138 damage to Health and 200 damage to Armour when armour is between 0 and 25%

When there are 2 hydralisks in the 2.5 grid radius of the character, their damage rate compounds by 10% smile.gif

When there are 3 hydrlisks, the compund rate is even higher.

* Since it'd be extremely stupid to take screenshots of my "engine" triggers (because there's not plot I can take screenshots of), I spent a while trying to construct the terrain of a level called "Holocaust". The screenshot is attached below (only one section of the level)
* Sample Screenshot of killing an ultralisk. Note that the units are not named and balanced yet.

Red : Health and Armour Bar Going down
Yellow : The zergling is dead (blood), so tassadar is uninvincible now.
Green : Note on weapon image. "Shotgun"

wink.gif Now good night SEN, I'll have a good sleep so I can work on it more tommorrow.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by 007Torrasque on 2005-03-20 at 16:23:02
keep going screwed, you MUST finish the map =)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by PearS on 2005-03-20 at 19:08:22
Sounds really complicated and I think that's a good thing. Keeps newbs away and makes for really interesting and fun gameplay. I don't know your patern of finishing maps but I hope it is good because this map sounds like a blast. The thing is, you sound like you're having fun and your updating alot which leads me to believe that you work on it alot and I think you wont have a problem finishing it =D.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Fortune on 2005-03-20 at 21:45:25
I like the looks of the weapons system, good work.

Is there some type of release date we could be looking for?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Screwed on 2005-03-21 at 00:12:58
QUOTE(Theoretical Human @ Mar 19 2005, 04:55 PM)
Sounds pretty good. I can help with terrain, I'm not wonderful, but I'm willing to help.

Well, I'm kind of fine right now, but if i need you to help with some trigger concepts, if you have time... I'll ask you to help me smile.gif

QUOTE(PearS @ Mar 21 2005, 01:08 PM)
Sounds really complicated and I think that's a good thing.  Keeps newbs away and makes for really interesting and fun gameplay.  I don't know your patern of finishing maps but I hope it is good because this map sounds like a blast.  The thing is, you sound like you're having fun and your updating alot which leads me to believe that you work on it alot and I think you wont have a problem finishing it =D.

Thanks so much indeed for the encouragement. When people play the game, people might not figure out how many triggers was put into one single thing, so I believe the thread is very important because other map makers care more about the progress. biggrin.gif

QUOTE(Fortune @ Mar 21 2005, 03:45 PM)
I like the looks of the weapons system, good work.

Is there some type of release date we could be looking for?

The demo will be out at around mid May. I will post details on what is in it maybe some other time. The actual map will probably come out late this year, or maybe even next year, due to the fact that one thing is more overwhelming than I thought. By just doing 200 triggers, I'm only 15% done on the weapon damages (because there are so many combinations of how many enemies are beside you, and how much armour is left and so on). During 40 minutes (Next 20 minutes I've done 30 extra triggers), I've done 35 triggers. If i'm a machine, I might get this map done earlier than the preset releast date. Right after Brim of Escape comes out, I will immediately make an Expansion, which I will not speak for now, but will use the already created engine triggers with an addon storyline and new features.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by LethaL on 2005-03-21 at 00:26:00
Sounds like a VERY nice map, and the concepts you used are similar to what I plan on having in my RPG.

The only thing is that I just got Half-Life 2 yesterday, and you copied a lot of the ideas from there (Gravity Gun, Bug Bait, Crobar, Destroyable Barrels, etc).

Other than that, good job. The concepts you have are pretty diffucult, so kudos if you can get all of them working and bug-free.
I really look forward to trying out the demo soon. cool1.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Screwed on 2005-03-21 at 00:29:21
QUOTE(LethaL @ Mar 21 2005, 06:26 PM)
Sounds like a VERY nice map, and the concepts you used are similar to what I plan on having in my RPG.

The only thing is that I just got Half-Life 2 yesterday, and you copied a lot of the ideas from there (Gravity Gun, Bug Bait, Crobar, Destroyable Barrels, etc).

Thanks Lethal, good luck with your map too smile.gif

About the Half-Life 2 thing, the reason I didn't use Half Life 2 is because I would have to follow the storyline, the creature names, the weapons, and terrain (everything) etc. and other restrictions. I wanted to work in that zone, but also freely be able to develop my ideas. wink.gif Also, 'copying' the ideas isn't as simple as it seems. Since starcraft is an RTS and has a lot more restrictions, I have to find ways to implement the things i intend to use.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Screwed on 2005-03-21 at 05:58:42
Another Double Post, since I update my thread just before I get to sleep

* Fixed First Post Format
* Did 80 triggers
* Added two new screenshot on Level 'Holocaust' Terrain

After I get something playable, I will invite a few people for internal test versions. smile.gif

This post is really short and in such a hurry because I really need to go off now disgust.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Bringer on 2005-03-21 at 07:16:31
Keep up the work. Looks like your making good progress and that is wonderful. Well best wishes I am gonna go now.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Screwed on 2005-03-22 at 01:11:11
QUOTE(Bringer(MC) @ Mar 22 2005, 01:16 AM)
Keep up the work. Looks like your making good progress and that is wonderful. Well best wishes I am gonna go now.

Thank you Bringer(MC) for the encouragement. I won't let people anticipating this down.

Note: Since I'm having school, and I have Golf Practise from after school until 8:15 pm, then when I get home and have dinner it'll be 9:30 pm for a few days, I won't get much map work done, considering the fact that I also have to do homework when I get home (and review test for Science and do major english assignment that the teacher gave us 3 weeks to do - which isn't long) and practising piano for Performance Grade exam I won't do this map as fast sad.gif . Before I have set myself a goal to do at least 30 triggers a day on weekdays and around 150 triggers a day in weekeneds. I will try and conform to that as much as I can.

Since I always work on internal triggers that I can't show, I decided to spend another few minutes doing some terrain which I can show. Here's two new terrain screenshots from the Level "The Dig into the Past".

I have also attatched the music I will use for my introduction of my map. However, I might change it since it sound kind of too medieval other than Futuristic. If anyone has any waves they believe are suitable, be sure to post them here or PM me. Credit given. Thanks wink.gif

[center]AI features (what I'm planning you can do - not how it works)[/center]

* Agressive - Allies respond ferociously to enemies.
* Defensive -  Allies avoid enemies
* Follow - Allies follow you around
* Disable Follow - What it says smile.gif
* Freelance Mode - Units go patrolling around the place and when they step on certain ' locations ' something happens. Useful when scouting or trying to find something.
* Defensive Positions - Sometimes usable, sometimes not. Usually effective when large forces are coming and terrain is efficient to use.
* Cover - Units surround your character in an attempt to shield you from attacks. (If you want the actual want your allies to cover you like in CS, just disable follow them on a cliff)
* Retreat - Yes a retreat, my sysytem should work, but it should screw up too >_< (Not too often though, unless you play so many times and find out it worked and started screwing with it)

There will be more, just can't remember all I thought about when I was planning.
Additional to that, the allies evaluate terrain and respond to the forces that are in coming, or say that he hear footsteps around the corner or tells you to reload smile.gif Occasionally, allies may supply you with med kits.  biggrin.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by qPirateKing on 2005-03-22 at 01:39:35
Hey, screwed, it looks pretty good so far. Glad you found a use for the menu scrolling stuff. Your terrain is improved a lot from last I saw (though I'd still go back and study some high cliffs), and your environments are really creative. The whole story idea is also pretty awesome. Personally, I admire your resolve (a trigger quota?!) because I typically have trouble keeping focused on anything. The song is alright, but it's a little long in my opinion. If this is a horror map though, I would find something darker.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Ultimo on 2005-03-22 at 01:58:05
The concept and ideas are very well-planned out and sound awesome. Triggering system seems a bit complicated, but if anyone can do it, you're probably one of the people who could. The load is lessened with one player, overall I haven't seen this done. Good luck.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by sckor on 2005-03-22 at 02:03:05
W00t... Good Job
How on earth did you get 10 options for one starport?
AlL I can think of is wraith, dropship, science vessel, battlecruiser, valkyrie and lift off.
Looks good anyways.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Screwed on 2005-03-22 at 06:10:17
QUOTE(qPirateKing @ Mar 22 2005, 07:39 PM)
Hey, screwed, it looks pretty good so far. Glad you found a use for the menu scrolling stuff. Your terrain is improved a lot from last I saw (though I'd still go back and study some high cliffs), and your environments are really creative. The whole story idea is also pretty awesome. Personally, I admire your resolve (a trigger quota?!) because I typically have trouble keeping focused on anything. The song is alright, but it's a little long in my opinion. If this is a horror map though, I would find something darker.

Thank you so much qP, and I should have given more credit to the scrolling system since it was actually your idea smile.gif About my terrain, I actually always looked up to your terrain and your ways of map making and practised trying to immitate them. Overall, what you "admire" would have not fallen into place if it weren't for your maps and yourself. biggrin.gif So then again, you have my greatest thanks.

QUOTE(Ultimo @ Mar 22 2005, 07:58 PM)
The concept and ideas are very well-planned out and sound awesome. Triggering system seems a  bit complicated, but if anyone can do it, you're probably one of the people who could. The load is lessened with one player, overall I haven't seen this done. Good luck.

Yes, I have planned pretty much what the concept is about tongue.gif - around 400 to 500 lines used on an exel with ideas scarmbled over the page pinch.gif. Yeah, the load dramatically lessened with 1 player but also due to the fact I chose 1 player, I added a lot more extra stuff to it.

QUOTE(sckor @ Mar 22 2005, 08:03 PM)
W00t... Good Job
How on earth did you get 10 options for one starport?
AlL I can think of is wraith, dropship, science vessel, battlecruiser, valkyrie and lift off.
Looks good anyways.

Just because I didn't take a screenshot of my 2 starports at the bottom right hand corner. tongue.gif

Overall, I really appreciated what everyone has commented on.

Like I always do, I post just before I go to sleep, so cya tomorrow guys! I will be updating log tomorrow.

22/ 03/ 05
- 65 triggers
- Terrain
- Posted AI information
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Talrathis on 2005-03-23 at 19:37:57
I've skimmed through it and it looks pretty good. I can't wait to try it out. More complex game = better game, despite the fact that there will be more 'newbies' because they don't understand how to play the map. If you need a tester just PM me.

I will later gather some ideas and post them here. Good luck with your map wink.gif

(Couldn't resist using that smiley.. it just has that charm wink.gif )
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