Well, as most RPers know, I, Volcove99, am most known for creating the Volc's World series of RPs that seriously pwned so long ago. Obviously, it is somewhat out of date now, but do not believe that I have stopped making RPs! Slowly but surely, I have been working on a new Rp map this entire time to once again revolutionize map-based roleplaying with so many new features, its mind boggling!!
Will add more later, too rushed to say more <_<
P.S. It is no longer part of the "Volc's World" series. new name, will reveal l8r
Will you be using the extended terrain like the waterfall and such?
That will add a whole new level to RPing if you use that stuff...
I was actualy considering making a RP with extended terrain
Hope your map is a success
I might, but I am not too fond of Starforge, so its doubtful <_<
Theres a slight chance tho...
I, Volcove99, am most known for creating the Volc's World series of RPs that seriously pwned so long ago
Conceited, yes?
I was making an RP a while back called Fortune RP, lost it though. Even though I was making that RP have never been too big on RP's. In any case, I wish you good luck with it and I hope it comes out as well as the first.
I still love dropping in your maps time from time, I can't wait to see this baby.
wewt thankee
yeah i hope your terrain will be realistic, and have lots of opportunities for the players to do. Good Luck with your map.
I hope it turns out to be a really great game. ALong with good laysout and designing. and i hope u use SOmthing new. it would be interesting to see somthing new
Realm: UsEast.Battle.Net
Username: SoLo-SouL aka Aang aka TcF]Aang[
Channel: Clan FeW, Clan SoLo
id really love to see a non knights and dragons one,
id really love it if it was modern
bcauz there are some mucxh ways to and realism to stories that the old click n kill goblins motif
cant wait till it comes out
thats what us rpers need is a new rp map, post some screenies volc btw. add some water falls it would come in and have VAMPIRES! i love em but please dont add the (H) on to them. also if you did add cool terrian it would own other rps
I wonder if I can say what the name is...
Since volc isn't updating it...
Vilc is using cool features in this map that have been used before, but not really known by a lot (*COUGHANTIEMCOUGH*) had a lot of the features... he is also taking suggestions from aEp Members..
This is all i can remember !!