That's how i get my maps popular
aren't you boastful.
Indeed, there are many things that contribute to popularity of a map, replayability is definitely a key factor. but, many other factors play into the map.
The key secret to replaybility is in its simplistic and complex ideas.
What im trying to get at is:
A map is replayable if it contains both simplistic and complex play.
If we take a look at Team Micro Arena, a new micro player and an expert micro player can fully enjoy the game because it contains both simplistic and complex ideas.
Simplistic would be that you can go about the game using mainly brute force units and dealing as much damage as possible to win the game.
And complex would be that you could devise a strategy with a shuttle and reaver and use "drop, shoot, and load" strategies to win the game.
Both strategies are devastating and effective, and both strategies make the map "fun" and replayable.
though, its not only the games simple and complex ideas, but its also the complexity of the game itself.
If the game is easy to learn and understand, the more players that will be willing to pick up the game and play. Most players are unwilling to read paragraphs. If the player can quickly understand the rules, they would be more willing to play it. Frustration is what you must avoid.
A simplistic game would be something along the lines of a cliche defense and offensive game like zone control.
A complex game would be something along the lines of a income defense offensive game, (where you mine minerals to build units, that can upgrade into stronger units while the units you kill earn you money, and your units are "taxing" to keep standing resulting in upkeep).
The simplistic game is easy to pick up and play off the bat, but it may lack depth.
The complex game is hard to understand and much harder to play efficiently.
The idea here is that, you don't want to overwhelm your players... too many rules and guidelines results in confused players...
Overall... you must balance the complex with the simple.
Equilibrium of the two results in a massively replayable, sucessful, and popular map