Freelancer is definetly in its beta stage. Many qualities of a refined map are not visible at first site. Even I find it find it borring at times
although the concept of this map is still in place.
This map is designed to give you as much free will as possible withought the linear feelings of a regular "Golden path'd" Rpg. Of course, with some structure, Freelancer is not a map which forces you to progress.
You begin as a basic, untrained freelancer. Begging in the middle of a somewhat large map, you are given just enough minerals to be trained by a guild of your choice. Which is bassicly all you begin with. To prevent many new players from wandering around attempting to kill monsters with their fists, I recently added a teleportation system which will move any ground heros to the guild of their choice. Not only that, but to prevent spending precious units (I have already named and used almost every unit including powerups, xtra powerups and every other hero) I placed an extra space in front of the move location which will display backgroun information of the guild and what they do [A new feature in .2]. To create even more guidance, I have implanted some corny quests for most of the guilds.
If you decided to skip to the bottom to read what l have to say about this map, l just need some ideas about quests in this game. All l need so far is one for a Summoner and a Constructing character. So far, l already have quests such as Search and Destroy, and basic Delivery. What are some other quest ideas you have?