It keeps giving me an anti-leech error when I try to download the Dragonquest RPG (listed on the newest files section)
Make sure you have the www in the site name.
Im following links on the site, so I dont think thats an issue...
Thanks though
Links in the site work off the address you entered it. So if you entered in, anywhere you go will work off that. If you entered in, anywhere you go will work off that.
QUOTE(chuiu_os @ Mar 23 2005, 03:46 PM)
Links in the site work off the address you entered it. So if you entered in, anywhere you go will work off that. If you entered in, anywhere you go will work off that.
Wouldnt the link go to the specific address listed in the HTML?
SEN uses .php not .html so it's kinda different.
You see, all of the pages here at SEN are placed in directories and the link from one page at SEN to another would be more like this:
Example of Link to Forums from Homepage:
index.php --> forums.php
The only thing that will change is the file and not the address. A webpage can eb access through more than 1 address.
Actually php just creates html to work off of. What it does is takes the base dir "" and adds something on the end and redirects your browser there. Like "index.php?showtopic=12782" would go on the end of "" if clicked on the link in the forums to go to this thread.
Coding segments instead of full paths is much easier to do and saves time. That's why people do it that way.
Regardless, there is a www.
And the problem is still there.
Does it happen with any other files that you try to download? Sometimes problems like these are related to firewalls blocking the page referer. If other files give the same problem, then you probably have a firewall issue. If it is only that file, well. . .
When i say dl it, it calls it a Binary file or some crap... wtever that is... When i double click it it says "error code -10660". usually it says something like it doesnt know what app it is, plz choose.
But i can play it, and open it with the editor. I never double clik a map to edit it. I do have a Mac to tell u...
Slayer766, u need to protect that map!
Same here. Mine downloaded so fast I didn't even see it.
I DLed and approved it, no problem whatsoever. And I even ran SCM2JPG on it.
Something is wrong with your browser.
Firefox should fix that.
I love IP (in a sexual way).
I love Clokr_ too (in a friendly way).
I love NeoNightmare's brownness (in a chocolately yummy way).
QUOTE(RexyRex @ Mar 23 2005, 06:37 PM)
Something is wrong with your browser.
Firefox should fix that.
One problem with that.
I would have to download it. And my computer has a lovely built-in feature in which, if I attempt to download anything over 5 megabytes, my ISP will wait until there is approximtely 10 seconds left in the download, and then send out a radio signal to my grandmother; she, always keeping the receiver on hand, will hear the signal, and call me immediately, interrupting the download at the last second. So far, this has occured all six times.
I :heart: AOL.
As much as I :heart: dial-up.
If your still having trouble, try disabling window's XP's firewall, any other firewall that you have, and try to save the link.
I get the same error for tactical paths
I have disables all firewalls, just to test that particular theory, and it STILL has the same error.
I dont think this is a firewall issue, anyway: I can download any other file just fine.
FireFox Setup 1.0.2.exe, file size 4.60MB. 4.6 < 5.0. GG Grandma.
I think I have figured it out:
It occurs with any file that I get to from the main page.
Not getting the same problem as you. In any browser.
Okay, heres the deal.
Random people seem to have trouble downloading these files.
The Anti-leech is only there so people and sites cannot directly link to our files, instead they are forced to actually see where the files are coming from. Plus sites mass steal bandwidth from claiming to host files such as these and then they just mirror it to here, and the user is none the wiser. We deserve some credit for hosting these files, you know.
In SEN v5, only guests will get a referer check. "Referer" is basically where your browser says your coming from. If your referer is not, then it will give you that error.
HOWEVER, I shall make it so that if you are registered and logged in, it will skip referer, and do a "security key check". Basically, the code will check the url for a combination of letters and numbers 5 characters in length that is assosiated with your session whenever you visit the site. This security key prevents people from linking to harmful areas of the site, such as deleting your own posts, marking the board as read, and logging yourself out without you knowing it. It is impossible to predict since it is randomly generated, and if you accidentally reveal it to someone, it doesn't matter since it will just generate again once you close your browser and reopen it (or dont visit the site for 15 minutes).
This should resolve any problems you are having, so you will have to wait for v5.
Once again, another suggestion is made that the problem is IE. Well, I am running Firefox, and the problem persists.
$haha = $HTTP_REFERER;
if($haha != '')
echo("You suck. There are now 4 billion viruses on your computer.");