Alright awhile back I posted my new defence map "XXXDefence". I got some good feedback. And I've come up with this, Your X is now a marker for treasure! (You know X marks the spot). Its kinda corny but ehh, tell me what you think. This version is protected because I have stacked my unit names and dont want them stolen
For those who dont know about my original post. The basic idea of this defence is this. You have your X, this X is split in half the top "V" of the X is where ground units run. If a ground unit makes it to the end of the first V it in turn creates a Air unit on the bottom V. Which flies toward the end. Your job is well to stop it. You have the choice of 3 invisable bunker types, and different hero types. The hero's are seperated from the build zone so there is less clutter. The air units strength is based on which level it is. Currently there are 4 Phases of levels. (Once finished there will be 6). There is also a option to purcase additional miners, and other heros for a cost. I am planning on adding a zone for stacked cannons, this zone will be dark, but you can see your probe but still build. This is in "Shaded D" by SWW. And also in my map "Desert defence". (I started mine befor his came out I'am not a copier
). Give me some feedback. Alot of the neat stuff on the map I've gotten from here SEN, and or found myself. If you have any questions post them here or pm me.