Protoss will have a pretty easy time moving their units becasue of all the big space(jungle terrain at top left and bottom right).
Maybe you missed about 2 dozen trees that are there.
Also those big ramps would make it quite easy for someone to mass units over through that area and attack their main from behind, it's a good concept but far too accesible for large armies.
And in the mean time getting attacked at your main, great plan. If a player isn't smart enough to scout for offensives it's not my problem.
Guardians would be of incredible efficiency since they are the longest air ranged units, they could fire at untis on the cliffs and just wander away without being chased becasue the units have to walk a really long way to find a ramp.
Sairs, Goliaths, being maybe smart enough to kill them in transit.
For a 1v1 game there is quite a large amount of resources. 1 main and 5 expansions for each plaeyr without counting the middle. I'd have to suggest to reduce minerals or make mineral/gas only expansions.
I'd suggest you stop playing back stab games and give better advice.
The roughly Three and Nine O'clock expansions have a difference in them. The 3 has the water farther away from the ramp from high dirt, than the 9. Do you see what I am saying? Also the 3 has much less space than the 9.
I was worried about that too, I'll work on it when I find some time.
Are you kdding me? Zealots would take no time at all to arrive, and they could come from either entrance. There are only two start locations, so protoss knows where terran is, making the rush come even faster. And can you wall on the upwards ramps? Even if you can, you sure can't wall that second huge entrance into each base.
Or you could just realise that the early game is going to require a little more micro than usual? Why not just wall the path? The players are on opposite corners, it's probably about a minute walk. Are you saying you'd prefer it if I just took out the second path leading to the base? In any case Zealots aren't very fast without leg enhancments.
To put it in perspective for you guys, think Jungle Story and KORHAL, those aren't imbalanced, and neither is this for those reasons.
I may be adding in a few hills to the corners (accessible from all sides though =D).
Show me a replay of you owning someone decent with those tactics and I'll believe you, but right know you're just theorycrafting.
EDIT 4/12/05: Looking back on this I was a little too harsh, I appologise. I did at least take most of these ideas into consideration for my update though, granted, with my own little spin. I'm sorry to anyone who found these very insulting, as I can see how they kind of were, at the time I was going against a well practiced theory of mine, to take into consideration everything told to me regardless of who it's from. I hope you aren't to scarred XD