Why has the upload limit been changed to 300kb? It should be at least a meg. I wanted to upload a map but I can't cuz it's over 300.
Cuz usually maps SHOULDN'T go more than 300kb, that's all xD
Send the map + description (along with anything else needed) to shadowpaladin@staredit.net. I'll handle it with Yoshi.
Thank you =)
Thanks paladin.
We dont allow > 300 because it takes up useless space on the server. Just put it on some free server or email it to him if he offers.
Ok thats fine. I just don't think that it's useless space and you may not get some maps that would have otherwise be uploaded. It is up to you though.
If people put 700 kb files here that die out quickly, its a waste of space.
Sorry man

Just get a host and delete it when you're done

Well it stops people from uploading useless things too. We have/will have ennemies someday, don't ask us who or why; that's just like it. Some will then just upload 2mb files for fun to fill in the FTP. It's just to avoid such things.
I'm there anyway to fill that; as I said, send it to me throught mail; I'll verify and upload it manually. If you feel you do not have time to waste with that, it's your loss.
edit: damnz0rz +00:01 minute ¬¬
Usually when a map is more then 300kb its typically because it has WAY TO MANY SOUNDS or it has custom music... if thats the case.. cut it down... there is no need to a new sound for each individual trigger and custom music is something that people dont really have the patience to wait and download and play on b.net so its a waste... if you do by chance.. make an alternate b.net version with music taken out.
Actually, people should start using Yoshi's Haunted BattleCrusier MPQ method for custom sounds now, especially since now that StarDraft has the virtual sound thingy for the lazy people who don't want to do it the old fashioned way.
Nobody knows how, I'll make a tutorial soon for it

I think adding your own custom music into a map is pointless, most people, like me anyways have something like winamp or any other music player going in the background, and shut off the starcraft music anyways, so its a waste of time to add to a map and wait longer for us 56k people to download. just my oppenion
Nowadays, most people don't add custom music, mostly custom sound effects. That still take up space, but not as much as music. However, campaign will have music and sound effects and all that, so they often grow very large in size. That goes for good large single player maps as well.
QUOTE(TwiStEd vIsioN @ Feb 15 2004, 01:55 PM)
I think adding your own custom music into a map is pointless, most people, like me anyways have something like winamp or any other music player going in the background, and shut off the starcraft music anyways, so its a waste of time to add to a map and wait longer for us 56k people to download. just my oppenion
Then download my EXE version

Anyways, adding custom music (with my MPQ method) owns. The regular SC music isn't exciting for UMS maps these days. You hear some rock music while playing a scary map. Whoopdie do. But what I did with HBC owned. It added to the atmosphere.
When Matrix comes out, everyone will piss themselves

If you DO finish this map, for once. I mean; look at yourself: You didn't make any maps for quite a very long time now. Borg Deffense? Gone. SC Bash? Gone. The bound you planned to make? Gone.
You see how it goes

I wouldn't be surprised at all if you didn't finish Matrix, or, again, finish it on a hurry like you did with HBC.
Notice how I haven't stopped making it nor am rushing previews.
Well id have to agree with Yoshi... personally i think adding in custom music makes the map a hell of alot cooler, having some music that goes along with whats going on in the map makes the map more enjoyable.
Its one thing if you have the normal SC music. Yes, turn THAT off. But the music I include in my maps... honestly, how many times do you listen to matrix battle music.
Hehe.. good question. But the other reason is becuase i dont really like the music included in with the game. Its much better to ahve your own stuff in it..

Hence.. why people have Winamp loaded and minimized.
Or smart people will modify their MPQs and replace the default game music.... If only I could remember what the files were.

Indeed... I plan on probably doing that if Force X developes into a series rather then a single RPG... because as of right now with its custom music its about 9 megs... which i dont like 1 bit

but its a very promising map

QUOTE(Mini Moose 2707 @ Feb 16 2004, 12:14 PM)
Or smart people will modify their MPQs and replace the default game music.... If only I could remember what the files were.
Then you'd be stuck with a max of 3 (or 4 if you're Zerg on single player) song for you to listen to. Anyways, I personally like the WinAMP method more, though I don't really listen to any other music when playing StarCraft. Come to think of it, I also have the music disabled too.
honestly, how many times do you listen to matrix battle music.
Hmm, at least twice a week. Yes, I'm hooked on that music. Especially Battle 3, which is the one that is played during the fight with Neo vs. the Smiths in Matrix: reloaded. In fact, despite the fact that it's now in a compressed backup file while I format my other computer, it's still constantly playing in my head...not that I'm really complaining.
The music is on the CD. You'd have to re-burn it.
And how much do you listen to matrix music on a matrix map MADE BY YOSHI DA SNIPER *owned*

QUOTE(Yoshi da Sniper @ Feb 16 2004, 10:25 AM)
honestly, how many times do you listen to matrix battle music.
The Matrix soundtracks are some of the best ones I've ever heard. I like almost everything on them.
But yeah, I usually turn off the music, because I have my music playing in the background.

Matrix music is cool but there's always sound on the computer so its hard to listen two different sets of sound at the same time.
I tried to upload house of the Haunted to the database. Im not sure if it showed up though. I used a link for the file since the map is 666kb. And a custom picture.
House of the Haunted Map
Of course i uploaded a image that was slightly smaller in size.
Link is ok I guess. Though I don't see why it still shows the "Download this file" option when you didn't even upload it through SEN... o_O