I propose a new rule: If you're going to change someone's sig, tell them first. Also, don't be a jerk about it. End.
If it breaks the rules, we'll change it however we want to get our point accross about not making it too big. Theres absolutely no reason why you should have it oversized.
But mine wasn't breaking any rules.
EDIT: My point is that unless you were breaking an obvious rule (porn, extreme size) we should be told why, or at least by whom it was changed.
Or was it?...They woulden't delete it for no reason...Or would they...Do the admins like to mess with peoples minds?

It was a quote from Sala; Something he said in Serious Discussion a while ago that I thought was funny. Now, apparently, God made me stupid.
QUOTE(Chill @ Mar 30 2005, 06:21 PM)
But mine wasn't breaking any rules.
EDIT: My point is that unless you were breaking an obvious rule (porn, extreme size) we should be told why, or at least by whom it was changed.
What was exactly in your sig?
[center](_oº°·-‚_oº°·-Women are to dumb to vote, it's because god made them that way. -·°ºo_,-·°ºo_)
[- - - - - – — -–- -–—–- -–- — – - - - - -]
My "I Like Your Boobs" sig was more offence than this. That one was less obviously a joke and mildly graphic. But what's this?
I wouldn't have even minded taking it down, as I only put it up because I was bored. The only reason I give a damn is because you're always saying how SEN's mods are so fair and have such a "great sense of humor." I call bullshit.
Its not necessarly the mods, we generally do have a good sense of humor. However, people access this site from school and home. If one of them complained, its the reason your signature is gone.
If that is the case, who complained and why?
I don't think they can give out that information... Breaks the law of privacy...
Or they can because they have the freedom of speech...
I got in trouble for looking at this site at school because there was a picture of a sniper rifle on it (that's true too) but that doesn't mean I get to complain about it. If any person can complain about anything they find offensive and get their way then something's not right. In conclusion, I am also suggesting that if someone files a complaint against someone else for whatever reason, they should be able to find about it to prevent that kind of stuff form happening.
EDIT: And I don't care about the person's "right to anonymity" or whatever you want call it. The site's rules prevent me from harassing them and I know nothing about them in real life so there's no reason why people shouldn't have access to this information.
If you think PMs should be kept private, screw that. It stopped being private when they brought another person into it.
You enter this site at your own risk, but sexual language such as "boobs" remain off the site. Map making has nothing to do with boobs, so please settle your sexual desires somewhere else. I sure wouldn't want to see that kind of stuff, so you shouldn't force others to see it.
Pardon? I said that my old sig (the one which contained the word "boobs") was worse and still alowed.
Ack, I'm confused... what do you mean?
These are starcraft map making forums. Is it really necessary for you to make your signature offensive?
It wasn't, and that's the problem. If someone did PM a mod and say that my sig somehow offended them, as you suggested, I think I should know who and why.
Maybe you should stop complaining and live with it. It's a signature, one that you can change any time.
The whole "I like your boobs" signature should have been removed earlier.
If I were you I wouldn't bring attention to it and just live with the fact you got punished.
Life goes on.
(Teh Yoshi: What's your AIM? No MSN on this computer

Did you people not read? I'm not even talking about that sig. I even clarified that two posts above yours.
EDIT: Just to get this straight... I took down that signature, on my own, without being asked or made to by a mod, a long time ago, so what are you talking about?
I dont think he has aim...
*3* Posts above yours...
Okay, great, you weren't PM'd. That must mean you weren't even punished (Warned). So that's one more reason NOT to make this thread and NOT to bring attention to the subject at all. Really you just dug a deeper hole for yourself. Use your head, come on...
I dont think he has aim...
*3* Posts above yours...
- I think he has Trilian (sp?) which you can talk to people on AIM with (I think...).
- It depends on how you count it.
Okay, great, you weren't PM'd. That must mean you weren't even punished (Warned). So that's one more reason NOT to make this thread and NOT to bring attention to the subject at all. Really you just dug a deeper hole for yourself. Use your head, come on...
Would you just read the whole thread and then think about it for a second? I did nothing wrong and that's the problem. I don't care about having to put up a new sig, I don't care about any of that, I think this is very stupid, and
that is why I made the thread.
If it was done by a mod then something is wrong because my sig was within the rules.
If it was requested by a member then I want to know who requested so and for what reason.


Puni, shut the hell up.

Chill, if it's "How you count it..."
Then your obviousley counting the wrong way.
QUOTE(RexyRex @ Mar 30 2005, 08:16 PM)
Puni, shut the hell up.

Chill, if it's "How you count it..."
Then your obviousley counting the wrong way.
There are
two posts between yours and mine, therefor it's two posts up.
I didn't know you meant actual numbers. I thought you meant as in "It's how you look at it." in another term (Isn't that the right word?).
So, um, any other conversation?

Chill, you are correct. For the future there will be an automated PM that gets sent out when a moderator takes action upon your account.
However, we will never reveal who complained. Why? Because nobody needs to be labeled as a tattletale. We want everyones forum viewing to be the best possible, and people should be able to report issues they have with people or content without having the author come after them in full fury.
A global moderator or administrator removed your signature. If you're looking for someone to whine to or point fingers at, you can do it to me for all I care. Your signature was removed because it was offensive for another user. Period.
I'm sure if someone insulted you, or put something offensive in their sig that you didn't like, you'd probaly want me to remove it. Deal with it and move on.