I'd say left looks better.
but right makes more sense because people read left to right. They'd read the text first before they come to those buttons..
I was thinking the same thing...
Left looks more organized and neat, however, it's just doesn't flow while reading it.
I like left better; On the right they seem far away from the text and it's easier to get them confused with the ones below or above.
I'd have to agree with in_a_biskit's statement.. left looks way better, anyway.
Although left looks more organized, right is the way to go becasue we read from left to right.
People will have to read first before putting in a value.
If put in left, then people will start putting random numbers and checkmarks without reading the whole thing.
Right is also better because your eyes would only have to go in one direction, from left to right and then you proceed down. If put on left, you would have to read the text and then go back to insert the value.
Right can be organized a bit more though.
BTW: Don't make the defaults zero.
Left looks more organized, but its hard as hell to read and set the value fastly. That's why all the forms have the input on the right and the description on the left, except for the radio buttons.
I like the left one just a bit better than the right one. Why? Because, to me, the left one looks more user friendly than the right one.
Right fo' sho'.
(Dont' ask)

I dunno?
Anyways the right looks better to me becuase it's always been there. We read left to right.
But the left looks great too becuase it feels like phpMyAdmin, and all that good stuff.
I prefer right because as said before we read left to right. Also left isnt really more organized, because on the right they are also aligned the same way. Doesn't really make a difference.
IP you could just choose for us and not even leave it up to discussion, I don't think many people would have noticed.
Is someone rigging this? How is right winning?
Just like I said before, it's the way you read.
That direction should be pretty natrual...
QUOTE(RexyRex @ Apr 1 2005, 06:58 PM)
That direction should be pretty natrual...
...Unless your native tungue reads from right to left, such as chinese.
Left looks better. But right is more.... well... easy.

wow.....2 milimeter differnce.................does it matter that much IP?

Since the question is "What looks better?" not "What makes more sense", I'll vote left as according to my 2nd post!
Edit- There goes one for Left!
Left, because it's easier to understand and fill out quickly.
Even thought right looks slightly bit more professional, i'd go for efficiency over looks.
QUOTE(MillenniumArmy @ Apr 5 2005, 06:03 PM)
Left, because it's easier to understand and fill out quickly.
Even thought right looks slightly bit more professional, i'd go for efficiency over looks.
That contradicts what most people are saying about this...
Right to some people looks more unprofessional because its uneven (I disagree)
Left to some people say looks more even though its harder to fill out.
Most of the posts saying right are saying that its easier to fill out because you read from left to right... so how can left be more efficient?
I think this is definitely a pointless topic which is just stirring up unnecessary debating. I never would have noticed or cared if it was on the left or right. Just pick IP... By asking, now you have everyone thinking about it and actually noticing when its really nothing. "Omg choose left because it looks SLIGHTLY better than right" Who cares? Both look the same.
Might I add that most of the forms here have the input at the RIGHT, such as the Log In. Also other input forms are on the RIGHT already! Such as edit profile, why not just stick to what's already in use and do the same for the new version?
Hmm poll's in deadlock. I like left because all the option boxes lined up.