QUOTE(chuiu_os @ Apr 1 2005, 07:02 AM)
Why is your post one big run-on sentence and what exactly are you trying to say or are you just pointing out the obvious, that dts and observers were uncloakable in the past patch and they aren't now if so then what the hell is the point of posting since patch 1.12 is out no one is going to be playing with previous patches and therefore we dont care if you could uncloak/cloak in previous patches because it doesnt benefit us right now
I'm so glad I learned how to talk and inhale at the same time!

Is there anyway to make a unit cloaked before its uncloaked?? (Arbiter)
Yes I know; the arbiter could do it... but can you do an RPG where say a zealot gets a cloak(not just cheezily spawn an arbiter he hides under), making him invisible. Could you do this by first making an arbiter over him so he becomes "cloaked", and then hyper trig the arbiter moving to some location and back to the zealot, keeping him cloaked?