QUOTE(Screwed @ Apr 2 2005, 07:45 PM)
Sounds very interestin moogle
I hope this turns out to be a great map, like always.
1) Possibility to talk to most units in the game?
2) Can you drive vehicles?
3) Any plan on release date?
4) Will you plan to have a repuation bar level? (that affects how the story goes)
5) Fixed plot or Open rpg?
6) Randomised Events?
7) Enter buildings?
8) Approximate map size?
Some of these questions are probably to early to have an estimated answer but...
Sounds good overall, Good Luck on it.
1) Some of NPC's yes
2) I may add feature where u can hi-jack a tank or something
3) Not of yet
4) No
5) Fixed Plot
6) Could happen
7) Some
8) Size as in map size or file size? could be 5mbs to 8mbs
QUOTE(TRiGGaMaSTa @ Apr 2 2005, 08:36 PM)
I'd say it'll turn out great cause i know you're a good map maker. From that Apoc map, which was great you just never wanted to finish it. Anyway, yea if it's like a world war theme, and its single player. I do suggest that defiler dark swarm casting system, lets say for calling in an air strike on a buildings. That oulwd be cool.
Well airstrike be bit hard do since in middle city and you would bomb your own civilians may damage own base in progress. No swarm system.
QUOTE(Odin @ Apr 3 2005, 01:07 AM)
The Submachine guns used by the Russians during W.W.II were the PPD 1940, PPSh-1941G, and the PPS-43.
Just something in case you need to give the hero a diffrent weapon, since AK's weren't around at that time >_>
(Or if you want an AK-47 type weapon, use the German Assult Rifle MP-44, which was the first true Assult Rifle)
Otherwise this seems like its gonna be a great map, keep it up!
Thanks for that info, may come in handy.
QUOTE(aE-Felagund @ Apr 3 2005, 02:34 AM)
He could have an alternate history to fit in with his map where the Germans actually did break through Moscow and Stalingrad, and now the Russians are fighting for their homeland in an even more desperate sense (have the Western front still being waged though, just for an actual point of hope in this war). Personally, I think that America, once brought into the war, would have been as effective, if not more, as Russia. We do have a larger population (which may be entirely due to the fact that Russia had 27,000,000 fatalities in the war, and we received 300,000). Moogle, if you do decided to move it up to 1947-1948 for the AK-47, you could have like elite British and Jewish (yes Jewish) crack troops make strikes against the southern front of Nazi-controlled Russia. That would add some more characters to the gameplay.
Well ya i can alternate history as you said what i think i'll do so people cant say WTF? nothing like ww2 lol, Also gonna add that " Germans " created bio-soldiers to help out in taking over of russia. Yes i can add jews n elite british add extra twsit as well characters to the gameplay thxs for the idea.
Thanks for all feedback guys, more updates will come soon.