[b][center]::The Day After::

This map is being made by:
Me and the assistance of Kenoli(U).
Tile set: Jungle
File Size: 3-8 Megabytes
--There is 1 human Player.
--5 Computer players.
•2 Enemy Computers
•2 Towns and Villages Computers
•1 Neutral Computer for switches, death counters, and Hyper Triggers
Game play:
--The map will have a Turn Based Battle System for more important battles. And will have a regular melee style when you are traveling from town to town.
--There will be spells and potions that you will be able to use during battles.
--There will be advanced weapons and Magical Items that will increase your Characters Strength, Health, Speed, Mana, and Sight(Yes, you will be able to see farther in the night time later in the game).
-- Day Time and Night Time, certain things will only happen at certain times of the day.
•Shops will be closed
•People may be a little more cranky at Night Time.
--Some of the weapons will be:
• Omega (Strongest attack that will demolish enemies)
• Chimera (Fire Attack)
• Gemini (Water Attack)
• Ipiria (Poison Attack)
• Remora (Dark Attack)
• Omnis (Light Attack)
• Spectral (Paralysis Attack)
• Buer(Confusion)
-- There will be potions such as:
• Potion (Heals around 300 HP)
• Antidote (Cures Poison)
• Petralis( Cures Petrifaction)
• Shell(Nullifies 1 Attack no matter how much attack is worth)
• Serum (Cures all Ailments)
• Shiranuil(Cures Parties Ailments)
--There will be Key Items you will have to collect throughout the game in order to complete the game.
--During the Turn Based Battles there will be no winners where you will fight a melee style battle for a brief amount of seconds and you will return to the "base" position.
--There will be tactics involved in the Turn Based Battles such as:
•Defensive Position
•Offensive Position
•Defensive Attack
•Full Scale Attack
•Use Black Magic
•Use White Magic
--There will be places all throughout the map that you will be able to find weapons, potions, and many other “goodies”.
--Some weapons will be able to be used more than once. While others will be removed right after you use them!
-- Every Villager that you will come across will be interactive.
There will be a Holy System
--This determines how everybody will treat you in the entire map, and this will determine your entire game. If you are mean, kill Villagers, animals around the cities, never help people, or other things that will be specified later, you may just want to quit the game and restart. The map’s difficulty is most likely depending on the relationships you have with people.
Story Line:
"Live by the sword, die by the sword."
Those were the words my father said to me the day he left. Little did I know I would never see him again. And now, I have grown much older and realized why he had left. My mother told me he had left to help the King win back the Holy Land. But, that was the shaded truth. He had embarked on a life long journey to kill, destory, and massacre the Heretics. And now, I realize that I too will be fighting for the same cuase. But, I do not believe in what I am fighting for. People said there would be riches for those who fought and survived. But, the mortality rate was almost tripled compared to those who did survive. And now, I shall leave tomorrow.
As you go along you will see that Ahrimon slowly begins to realize many things. BUT, you will have to play and see what happens.
Surprises are much better!
I will only tell ou about 2 Characters the rest you will find and things can change depending on your "Holyness".
Main Character(The person you control):
Walks around as a Villager until you get to an important battle. During night time you will be a marine, because it is unsafe to walk around at night
Ahrimon is a very talented male he is a strong sorcerer but lacks the knowledge. He is still very young because most of the people he is going to fight with aer much older than he is. But, he is still very Agile.
The next character who is an old friend that he meets up with on the ship that he is leaves on to go to war.
Kharin is a very aggressive fighter who deos not like it when people prove him wrong. He is an extrmely talented swordsmen who has been to very many fights on the Plains of Passage. (The Sequel to map if this one turns out good). But, the only bad side about Kharin is that he is very niave he will fall for most tricks which gets the party into a lot of trouble later on.
The party will travel together as you begin to find more and more "friends" and by the end you may have around 5-6 people who you will fight with. Depending on "holy" system and if you find them.
Some Terrain Shots...
Extended ramps.
A Cute Little Well..
A bad Waterfall. (Yes, I know Another dead kitten....)
A screenshot from my (soon to be released) Trailer.
If you have any questions, commens, concerns, complaints etc... You can reach me on MSN,Yahoo, and AIM they are all in my profile or you can just PM me Here!
[/center] I see no one cares about this, But, I will continue.
I have got quite a bit done in it. I have a lot of the extended terrain for the begining of the map completed. Although I really need to blend some of the high cliffs. But, I will post some screenies soon.
1.) It will be zipped up.
2.) It is only 1 player.
hmmm.... sounds good. I like the way that your going to be using Turned Battle System, I think that battle syteme gives the most out of choosing options for your hero to use in battle. Will the TBS be like Faith&DestinyRpg? Good luck on your map, and keep up the good work.

QUOTE(l)ark2004 @ Apr 12 2005, 11:23 PM)
I see no one cares about this, But, I will continue.
I only remember your old thread on ideas of this, i didn't see that you started a full thread on your map. I think it's really good how even if no one likes your map idea, you felt obligated to finish it(shows determination). I like your basic storyline i just hope the intro can be made very dramatic as you've written it here.
Will you have a party like system? By that I mean will you only play as one character or will you play as multiple?(or will multiple chars be a special thing).
Pretty much that's all i have to say until i see screenshots or a demo, keep working on your map and goodluck.
3-8 mb? Goodluck with that.
What's wrong with 3-5 mb for a single player map????

well can we get a screen shot of it that might help us determine better on how good or bad it may be and how good the terran setting is thanks
I really want to see this, this looks like a lot of fun. I hope you finish it please.

I love Screenies.
Screenies are Here!
I will post most updates at the top of the map!

And if you ask questions I will answer them below!
Any suggestions,Criticism etc... All wanted!
No offence but the screens arnt that good... There is so much blockyness.
ALso whats with that gras patch that is completly square with bushes on it? If it was a farm it would most likely have dirt as the ground ot grass..
Story line needs some more work... What are the heratics doing that makes them heratics? Why is your father trying to kill them all?
Well, when you play the map, you will learn more about the Father. The Father was Ahrimon's role model when he was young, and Ahrimon loved him very much. He was always trying to show his Father he was good enough. But, before Ahrimon had reached an appropiate age to show his Father his talents, his Father had lkeft on one of the Crusades. Before, long Ahrimon had realised that he would never see his Father again. You will learn many things about him as you play.
Do you know anything about The Crusades?
The Crusades were religious battles and fights to stamp out other religions and Heretics who do not believe in the same beliefs as the Christians.
Although, my map has nothing to do with "actual" events, there will be many similarities.
What the Heretics are doing to "be" Heretics do not believe in the same beliefs as the Christians, therefore are considered against the Church and are defined as "Heretics."
Not all farms are just dirt... Where I live you can't grow things on the dirt there has to be pre-existing vegitation. I.E. Grass,Shrubs, etc...
Jeez... you gotta know bout those Dark Ages...
Anyway, i really like this. You have alot of original ideas (night sight,Holy system, a story

, etc.)
The terrain is also pretty awesome too.... Its alittle blocky in some place but hoo cares? Its awesome. I like the originality and stuff... Good luck with that. Just dont make it so complicated that u cant finish it.
Lotsa spells...

i like that... its like FF...
Well, I will be able to finish this. OH Crap.
I am an idiot. I just saw like the biggest mistake in the world....
This is a dual map Kenol(U) and I are working on this so, you can guarantee there will be a lot of "nifty" aspects in this.
And about the terrain, I will fix a lot of it. I am just really busy with the whole School and Skiing deal....
Yes, I ski. I am always busy with it. I will be done skiing in about 3-4 weeks and once I finish I will be done skiing until around June-July. But, I should have a demo of this map out before then.
Jeez... you gotta know bout those Dark Ages...
Not, really. I was just explaining something that is pretty well known if you watch the news. Christianity is pretty well known for "forcing" organised religion as well as Catholocism.
I care, l)ark, I'm just waiting on you to update this thread with some new updates on the map.
I've been seeying a RPG Kenoli was Doing (i saw the beta, alpha all the step shit of it) And I can tell you that Kenoli(U) rock on, he just need idea. Sure it will be asskicking.
I can't tell you good luck on this one since luck is not usefull

Looks good l)ark. Hope you continue this (unlike my stuff

Post more stuff!

I will be posting all of the updates in the first post. Hence the big red letters: Update:
You still need to fill in a few gaps and spelling errors...Some I cannot understand, but in the overall run of your map it sounds pretty good. I have seen many TBC system RPG's and personally I dont favor them. The battling ussually takes too long. That might be the downside to your map from what I have heard in my opinion. But good luck on this. Oh and one more thing, I suggest you work on your terrain because it looks a bit blocky...Not that it will affect the map too much. But if you can, try and clean it up a bit.
Well, there are a few things that I am working on right now. The terrain is very blocky, I know.

But, I have some new terrain and I am working on making it blend right now. The TBC System isn't going to be the whole fighting part of the map. The TBC will be most likely for bosses, and very important battle's. The other part of the fighting is just good 'ole shoot-em-up.
And about the writing, can you show me where I left a few blank words? I can fix it easily, I just never proofread it.
Hmm, Could you post some screen shots, Besides that, It sounds like a pretty good map... Good luck on it

AS of now, I don't have any other Screen Shot's because I am still really working on making the terrain perfect. And right now I am getting a lot of the system's done.
You really should change your name on it, there is another map on b.net called The Crusades which is simulation style where you take control of one of the nations of the Crusades period and try to conquer others and the Holy Land. Maybe give yours a more personal RPG style name like "The Crusaders" or something

, though I suppose since its not multiplayer shouldn't be much of a problem on the name conflict.
iot just says attachment...
Is Kenoli doing anything?
The triggering part Indeed.