Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> Concepts -> Step-by-step Guides to Making Common Maps
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Tuxedo Templar on 2005-04-02 at 20:50:11
It's pretty no brainer really. This isn't anything advanced or highly complicated. The idea though is to provide ways to make mapping more accessible to normal people, instead of offering arbitrary tutorials or map making assistance in general (helping to give people direction, in other words).

Specifically, what this is is a set of step-by-step tutorials on how to go about making common maps like:
  • Bounds
  • Defenses
  • Lotrs, diplos, or tactical-style in general
  • Madnesses
  • Picture maps (why not if it's popular?)
  • Movies
  • RPGs
  • Melee-style (enhanced melee)
  • Waterfalls (not to kill kittens, but to help people get into terraining with something everyone seems to like doing)
Tutorials can include screenshot illustrations, different methods for doing things (for instance, how to do an effect with Starforge or with SCMDraft), and of course, links to resources, other DB tutorials, and even specific maps.

If you'd like to help me with these, I'd be much ablidged. If you're experienced with making any certain types of maps, I think you owe it to everyone else to share your experience, and help bring new faces into the game. Relying on people arbitrarily finding their way into map making isn't good enough anymore, IMO.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Voyager7456(MM) on 2005-04-02 at 21:43:41
Making a Defense Map:

Note: This tutorial assumes you've read the following tutorials and have atleast a basic knowledge of StarEdit and triggers.:

I. Why do people want to play this map?

The first thing to remember when making a defense map, is that there are hundreds of them out there. Why should people play YOURS? Try to have a unique feature that draws people to play your map. Some examples are:

Pressure D (Team vs. Team Defense)
Mario Hat Defense (Mining minerals, instead of earning them through kills)
Crystallic Cannon Defense (Unique gameplay).

Unique twists to defense maps make them fun to play.

II. Starting off.

The materials needed to make a defense map are as follows:

1. A general idea of what you are going to do. (IMPORTANT)
2. An editor such as StarEdit, or SCXE
3. StarForge is recomended for square terrain. (Optional).

Most defense maps involve stopping groups of units from reaching the end of a path. Draw out the path you want the units to follow on a piece of paper. Straight lines are recomended, as they are easier to trigger.

Once you have your path(s) drawn out, its time to make them on your map. When making your paths, make sure that they are clearly defined. Make sure to clearly define the areas where units spawn and the area where the units are moving to.

Here are some examples of unit paths:


A simple trigger like this is used to move the units:
¤ Runners
¤ Switch "Level One Start" is Set
¤ Create 10 Reavers at location "Spawn"[/a]
¤ Issue order to all any unit owned by Runners at 'Spawn' move to "End"

These units will move to the location you specified, and then stop. Great, the units move! Now what?

Now its time to remove them. If those units get to the end, the player loses. So, lets make that trigger.

Make a trigger like this to set the defeat conditions:
¤ Defenders
¤ Runners bring at least 1 any unit to location "End"
¤ End scenario in defeat for current player.

Now the players will lose when those units get to the end of the map.

III. Providing the players with a defense.

Well, the players aren't going to have much fun if they can't defend! How will they defend against these units? There are 2 simple options:

1. Static Defenses (buildings)
Some defense maps use buildings to defend against enemy units. If you are going to do this, make sure you do the following:

a) Edit the properties of the building (Scenarios->Unit and Hero Settings) so that it doesn't take too long to build and it doesn't cost too much for the player.
b) Provide the player with a building unit (Probe, SCV or Drone.) Remember, building a Sunken Colony or Spore Colony requires Creep and a Creep Colony. One way to provide Creep for a player is to pre-place Creep Colonies on the map. MAKE SURE TO EDIT THE CREEP COLONY STATS! Don't forget, Drones sacrfice themselves to make buildings, make a trigger to respawn the Drones for the player.
c) Make sure the terrain is buildable. Terrains like Rusty Pit and Solar Array for example are not buildable.

2. Unit Defenses
Other defense maps use units you can buy. You can do this by making an area where players buy units by stepping on Beacons, or they can be built from buildings. If they are built from buildings, don't forget to edit the time it takes to build the unit. Also make sure you place the prerequisites on the map. Example: Hydralisks require a Hydralisk Den to build.

Also don't forget to give the players enough Supply to build those units. For Zerg this means Overlords, Protoss need Pylons, and Terrans need Supply Depots.

IV. Buying Units

How do these players GET their units? You have to make triggers for them.

If you want the players to get units by stepping on a Beacon, make some triggers like this.

¤ Defenders
¤ Current Player accumulates at least 5 minerals
¤ Current Player brings at least 1 Civillian to location "Buy Marine"
¤ Move all Civillian owned by current player from "Buy Marine" to "Shopping Center"
¤ Create 1 Marine for Current Player at "Unit Spawn"
¤ Modify resources for current player: subtract 5 minerals.
¤ Preserve Trigger

And if you want the players to build their units, place the unit producing buildings off to the side. Create a location around them, and make a trigger like this.

¤ Defenders
¤ Current player brings at least 1 Men to location "Unit Making Buildings"
¤ Move all men from location "Unit Making Buildings" to "Unit Spawn"
¤ Preserve Trigger

If you are making a more advanced defense map with multiple unit spawns for the players, it is best to spawn the units in one area, and then 'sort' them.

¤ Defenders
¤ Current Player accumulates at least 5 minerals
¤ Current Player brings at least 1 Civillian to location "Buy Marine"
¤ Move all Civillian owned by current player from "Buy Marine" to "Shopping Center"
¤ Create 1 Marine for Current Player at "Unit Spawn"
¤ Modify resources for current player: subtract 5 minerals.
¤ Preserve Trigger

Make a trigger like this for each player:

¤ Player 1
¤ Current Player brings at least 1 any unit to location "Unit Spawn"
¤ Move all any unit from "Unit Spawn" to "Player 1 Spawn"
¤ Preserve Trigger

See the example map for more information on unit buying.

V. Earning Cash.

It is recommended you read this tutorial for ways to earn cash for kills:

Here are two simple ways to reward players for kills:

¤ Defenders
¤ Current player's Kill score is at least 1
¤ Modify score for current player: Set Kills to 0
¤ Modify resources for current player: Add 2 minerals
¤ Preserve Trigger

You may notice that this way has some flaws. For example, what happens if the player kills 2 units at the same time? They'd only get 2 minerals instead of 4!

Here is another simple way to do Kills to Cash:

¤ Defenders
¤ Current player kills 10 any unit.
¤ Modify resources for current player: Add 10 minerals

The problem with this method is that you have to make one of these for each interval. 10 units, 20 units, etc. Also, there will be a point where the player can no longer recieve minerals. (Ex, 510 kills, and your triggers only go up to 500.)

For other methods, see the tutorials:

VI. Sweet, sweet Victory

How do the players win? They win once the last level is complete.

Here's a simple trigger for victory:

¤ Defenders
¤ Switch "Level 25" is set
¤ Runners command at most 0 any unit.
¤ End scenario in victory for current player.

Congratulations, you're on your way to making a Defense map.

NOTE: What am I missing (besides the example map, I know.)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Tuxedo Templar on 2005-04-02 at 21:46:11
Thats ok. If you don't mind, I might edit any tutorials before making them into documents later (which I'll do so they can be easily downloadable). That ok?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Voyager7456(MM) on 2005-04-02 at 21:56:35
That's fine. I'll attach an example map later.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by axblader on 2005-04-02 at 23:03:23
im making a defense, and not bad acutally. though my map has mroe stuff like:
-upgrades, (duh?)
-units refunds
-golems style
-kill all the enmies on the map, special weapon thingy.
-bonus levels?

also another good way to make a good defense is usually have an almost unbeatable level as the last level lol. peopel will try over and over again!
also you can put liek difficulty settings, sounds, some text tellnig them they are dumb(of course you better use a fake name, that looks like real, cause its kinda funny when people check the players list to see who said that(like me))

also have multiple defense options, liek bunkers, units, or cannons.

anyways, just adding-on to what voyager said. bye.gif

anyways, can i have credit for this part?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by (U)Bolt_Head on 2005-04-03 at 03:08:10
I think a better idea is to write a serious of tutorials intended to follow a 'path' for mapmakers to follow in learning.

Like the way i see it is you would redirect a brand new mapmaker to a thread. (or tutoral) This thread would basicly just describe the differarnt types of maps. After describing the maps it would include Tutorial Paths for people to follow, ranked by difficulty and what is required for a map, bare minium to expert.

The tutorials would start off with the at most basics, like how to edit unit properties, and create a location, random start location, the use of preserve trigger, ect. Then it would be directed to tutorials specific to what type of map your interested in making. Like how to make an 'explotion' or a 'sequinced list of actions' for a bound.

We are always willing to offer help to people, but I belive if you spell things out too much (like the diagram Voyager7456 made) then your limiting creative thinking. Like if you want to teach someone how to make a specific type of map describe the types of triggers that will need to be used and give examples. Do not say "you will need this trigger", and then do this.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Voyager7456(MM) on 2005-04-03 at 11:35:28
I guess you're right Bolt_Head, the tutorial that I made was more do this, do that, instead of saying here are some methods for accomplishing this, or you could do it this way, etc.

So instead of step-by-step guides you think we need more tutorials that will give them a better understanding of StarEdit, and let them figure it out from there? That sounds good.
(Most of the tutorials in the database seem to be more towards accomplishing a single trick or advanced triggering rather than the basics of mapping.)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Navilin on 2005-04-03 at 18:07:27
Im in the process of making a basic defense Tut. it will outline the main points and be very basic. It tells you where everything is ECT... And also gives tips when making a defense and also the basic elements needed for a defense.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Tuxedo Templar on 2005-04-03 at 21:38:22
QUOTE((U)Bolt_Head @ Apr 3 2005, 02:08 AM)
I think a better idea is to write a serious of tutorials intended to follow a 'path' for mapmakers to follow in learning.

Like the way i see it is you would redirect a brand new mapmaker to a thread.  (or tutoral)  This thread would basicly just describe the differarnt types of maps.   After describing the maps it would include Tutorial Paths for people to follow, ranked by difficulty and what is required for a map, bare minium to expert.

The tutorials would start off with the at most basics, like how to edit unit properties, and create a location, random start location, the use of preserve trigger, ect.  Then it would be directed to tutorials specific to what type of map your interested in making.  Like how to make an 'explotion' or a 'sequinced list of actions' for a bound.

We are always willing to offer help to people, but I belive if you spell things out too much (like the diagram Voyager7456 made) then your limiting creative thinking.   Like if you want to teach someone how to make a specific type of map describe the types of triggers that will need to be used and give examples.  Do not say "you will need this trigger", and then do this.

Well when I compile this together I intended many of the tutorials to cross-link to other tutorials/threads anyway, but yeah I think that's a good format to use. Some people just want to make A map, and don't care about getting to the details of how things work until afterward... if at all (unless something goes wrong). Specific tutorials would work well for that, and then those who want to go into more depth will be able to from within the tutorial by reading the cross-linked materials (as you suggested).

So yeah, you guys write, I'll compile. I'm trying to decide if this should be compiled into some kind of sticky thread, submitted as a tutorial, or both.

Does the Tutorial DB have a downloadable version of it?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by LegacyWeapon on 2005-04-03 at 22:30:29

WARNING! May lag the shit outta your comp.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Tuxedo Templar on 2005-04-03 at 22:32:46
The only way a downloadable version of the Step-by-Step guide would work is if it could access the tutorial DB from offline. But the problem is that one you posted wouldn't allow cross-linking in that format, at least without the pain of manually reinserting links to page anchors in the document.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by O)FaRTy1billion on 2005-04-03 at 22:55:12
In this I will assume that people can at least place locations, units, and how to at least get a trigger; and this wouldn't exactly be for the best map maker to use...

Please tell me how I can make this better. Hope you like it biggrin.gif

(Note it is entirely just random things, I never think before I do. tongue.gif
So if you don't like it I will do something about this (like delete it)

Staredit can be a great tool if you know how to use it. A good map doesn't just create itself. It involves thinking, expirience, time and trouble. All you get out of it is what you put into it. If you just throw something together that looks like crap, it most likely will be crap.

First all you need to do is think; what will I make? What is something original and unique I can do? What do the people want/need? How can I make this fun and exciting?

Then what you do is start setting up the terrain and units. Put everything so people can find it, and it isn't like "How do you do this?" and doesn't confuse them so much that they leave. Make sure its organized.

For triggers, I will put some links to show you what does what.
AI Scripts, these (at least for me) sometimes get a little complicated. so use them carefully.

Now that you know what does what, You should be able to at least do a trigger (unless you already could do one).

(If you do know how to make a trigger, skip this part).
Now to do a trigger, go into Scenario->Triggers.
Three triggers should already be there:
¤ Always.
¤ Modify resources for Current player: Set to 50 Minerals.

¤ Current player commands at most 0 buildings.
¤ End scenario in defeat for current player.

¤ Non Allied Victory Players commands at most 0 buildings.
¤ End scenario in victory for current player.

Thoes are the normal Starcraft Melee triggers, if you are not going to use them, delete them.

To create a trigger press New, then select the players you will use (We will get to forces in a moment); when you select all this trigger will apply for, press Next. Now we are in Conditions. These all need to be true for the rest of the trigger to go on. Press New and then with the drop down menu at the top, select the one you want, and then change everything that is blue and underlined to the appropriate data. When you are done with this, press Ok, it now will be on the list. If you want more conditions, then you just repeat the conditions part.
And into the Actions. These are what happens when all the conditions you put are true. It is done the same way as conditions.
When you have all your conditions and actions done, press Finish. Boom, you have a trigger.

Making a map doesnt just happen in 2 seconds, it can take from hours to days; sometimes months. You just need to be patient and don't give up!!
Another good thing to do is as your making it, play with friends, clan members, and just people you can trust not to steal it happy.gif (Don't want that to happen!). Take note of there input, thats possably the next most valuable thing besides the orignal idea! Once you have at least a beta done, you can probably release publicly with a few people.
Ask them how could I make this better? What didn't you like? What did you like? Did you see any bugs/problems?
In other words, just get as much input as you can!

Once you get it so people like it, start doing the final touches; make it look nice, add some cool looking stuff, If you (or a friend) can put some cool things in it, add some music (just keep it about a 3-10 second sound; 10 seconds might be pushing it).

Now, hopefully you have a new map that people will like. If your lucky, and its a good enough map, and people like it; they will remake it and it will start to spread! w00t.gif

Report, edit, etc...Posted by Tuxedo Templar on 2005-04-04 at 23:47:34
Hmm, I think since I'm gonna be editting this to work as a downloadable anyway, I might as well write the rest of the tutorials myself.

Lets do this differently: For each map type, give me some good tips you can think of to make the map, and I'll worry about compiling it into a tutorial. Make sure they're not common sense-type stuff, or at least, if I miss any common sense stuff when I post mine, go ahead and mention it then. Good tips only, in other words.
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