QUOTE(Yoshi da Sniper @ Apr 4 2005, 08:59 PM)
This isn't a modding website...
Only speaking for myself;
While mods can be very simple, they can be very problematic. SEN’s “mod” policy is well justified for the following reasons.
1. The majority of maps made/discussed here at SEN are for the most part “multiplayer” UMS’s. These maps are meant to be shared/played with other ppl through Bnet, Lan, etc. While not all modifications affect player’s ability to “communicate” with other starcraft players, most mods require
ALL users to be using the same mod. If everybody’s map required a “mod” to play this would be very chaotic indeed! Unless Clokr’s recent “April Fool’s” joke turns out to be in fact TRUE! (by the way didn’t fool me… note the “hehe” in my “UNEDITED” post.” whew!)
2. All “clubs, forums, etc” have to draw the line somewhere. If the content becomes too general and broad the “butter will be spread out too thin”. If a mod forum is allowed into SEN, what’s next? Rather than “drawing” new ppl to SEN with these extra topics, too broad of a forum will in fact result in a drop in membership. While SEN’s bandwith appears to be unlimited, A vast subject such as “mods” and everything related to them would definitely require more than just a few killobytes of space.
On the flip side however, the
USE of a mod to “boost” or “enhance” the
SINGLE-PLAYER experience I would think would be acceptable. I’m not talking about a “TC” such as Gundam-Century or ORTC that completely alters Starcraft, but just some simple changes that help “spruce” up your game. An example might be a modified main screen that helps “welcome” and precursor the theme of the campaign to follow.
So ya there are lots of great “mod sites” out there that yosh is referring you to and you should be able to easily find a lot of helpful content from them. Good luck
Final word: Hehe not to stir up the topic by the way! I also find it just a tiny bit ironic that SEN encourages the use of 3rd party editor’s such as Starforge,Xtra Editor, etc to do things such as “stacking, extended terrain etc”. I understand that some of the maps made with these modifications can’t even be played without the proper editor installed? If this isn’t modification I don’t know what is?