I might very easily be out of line here by starting something “unofficial”, but I think it’s time that WE melee Forum posters start our own “Melee Map of the Month” topic/database/contest! While I tend to be somewhat of an optimist, Entropy’s dream of having Blizzard restart it’s discontinued “Map of the Month” section is never going to happen. Especially on it’s own! And what better way to get ppl involved, than with a contest?
This forum has some really good melee maps, and it’s time WE take this forum beyond just a place to “argue and debate” them. The maps here are basically just ROTTING AWAY to be soon forgotten.
So here is my proposal:
We take our own initiative and hold a monthly (or once/2month etc) topic/poll to nominate and eventually “pick” a Melee Map from our forum to pay special tribute to. On top of this, maybe we could conduct a semi-informal live “melee” contest with the eventual winner. We can even possibly include a few replays of this contest at “close” of topic.
This contest should only include maps that have been in the showcase long enough to already have gone through the debatate/analyize/update process. Maps arriving here have already been discussed somewhat in depth and aren’t “strange” new ones!
Members should “nominate” maps with a small description of why they should be included. With these nominations a poll will be made. Details of how we will conduct this “poll” will have to be worked out as this is not as “simple” as it may seem?
I think ONE CARDINAL RULE should apply to this topic. Maps should not be critically analyized or discussed here! If you don’t like a particular map, simply don’t VOTE for it! Take your “extra” comments to the map-makers topic! The maps that arrive here are in no way PERFECT! All maps have “something” wrong with them. This is not however censorship. If we allow extensive map-bashing in this contest, we are already tarnishing the final map and any future contest winners! People aren’t going to want to play a map after they’ve read nothing but negative comments about it? Positive comments are however encouraged.
Ok here are my nominations from what I believe are considered some of the better maps. If you don’t see your map here, It is not that I don’t like it, I just may not know too much about it or want to leave open space for others to nominate it.
The following map-makers appear in “alphabetical order”:
Chris: Helix
This map is very asthetically pleasing both to the eye and play. The terrain’s construction is very complete and flows well.
Ihatett: Ode to Legend
I nominate this map because of it’s unique design. The extra long “ground corridor” is very unique.
Ihatett: Azure Glory
This map is another very fast paced map that offers a lot of excitement.
PsychoTemplar: Aslasvic
This map uses extended terrain and “forward” facing ramps to offer a new and exciting look for a melee map
Yenku: Kakaru Paradise
A very well put together Island Map that promises to offer many challenges.
Yenku: Tranquil Forest
Maybe one of the “funnest” maps in this forum. Very quick and fun games!
And there you have it…. Take it from here!
Note: If someone wants to nominate my one and only map Tenango, I appreciate your good intentions, but PLZ DON’T! I am still in basic training and am learning by “copying/altering” master-map makers. Maybe at a future date I will have an original map. For now if you want to express any appreciation, just taking my challenge within it’s topic will be gratitude enough !
Wow, thanks for the two nominations!
Here are the pictures:
Ode to Legend:
Neo Azure Glory:
Note that I am in the process of "fixing" NAG. The change will be minor, and most of you won't notice it.
OK, change is done. Hit refresh.
ohhh by the way did I mention I actually wasn't interested in "running" this contest?
Kidding. While I personally think Entropy is the best candidate and most qualified to run/organize/promote this, he is a very very busy guy.
I am willing to tackle this first contest, but maybe subsequent ones we could trade off the responsibility of keeping track of results/posts etc. This is OUR contest, so in order for it to be a success, it needs to be a group effort.
I could set up a poll if you want. Also, do you want to 1:1? On one of these maps?
EDIT: i don't mean just mine
A poll would be great and we will definitely eventually need... You're in charge!
Before we make one however we proabably should make a deadline for "nominations/ entries". At that time after everything is set up we will begin poll? Maybe even a SEN admin will help us by promoting this once we are ready to "poll".
I always want to 1v1... but let's keep to this contest's topic...
If you want to explore more options regarding a "melee" map night let's discuss this more at the topic where it seemed to have already came up
http://www.staredit.net/index.php?showtopic=13208 Ok... keep thinking of ways to get this contest to fly!
I just downloaded the SEN SPRING TOURNAMENT 2005 replay package and watched a few of the games. Some good playing and you should check them out. My only complaint was that
NONE of our maps were used! I really feel this represents
WHY this map contest is so important. If an
SEN CONTEST can't use the maps in this forum
NOBODY will!
Also what about this idea? We have a contest with our "best map" against
OTHER map sites? i.e. pgtour.com?
ooh, i would love to be in a 1v1 melee contest tournament with maps from this site, i would like to nominate Helix and Tranquil Forest
I vote azure glory! Its a very fun, well constructed map.
great wesmic! Glad to hear you're interested in a melee night. I think this could be a lot of fun.
Ok... maybe this is a little confusing. At this point there is no POLL. How this works is a nomination process determines what maps will be used in a future poll. If there's a map in this forum (not just one of the maps I nominated) simply post a short description why you feel it should be part of poll and we'll add it.
I guess we could always just list all the maps appearing in this forum prior to a certain date, but I feel you guys know what maps are "contest worthy"?
Maps only need to be "nominated" once to be entered into contest.
Also I've directed two Admins and our Forum leader to this topic to possibly give us a hand/advice. So I'm either in big trouble, or they're just really busy?
As far as I know, only Moose, Chu and Entropy will actually care about the melee forums... Rest are a bunch of UMS freaks
Moose is a UMS freak. I have never seen him in here. Entropy is also too busy, he never posts or anything.
QUOTE(Chris @ Apr 6 2005, 12:54 PM)
As far as I know, only Moose, Chu and Entropy will actually care about the melee forums... Rest are a bunch of UMS freaks
You forgot me...
Of course, how could we forget beer keg?
Ya i'm starting to realize this was probably a premature idea. Ohh well can't blame me for wanting to show my appreciation and trying!
Maybe at a future date we can better discuss the kernel of the plan. I might have been a little too ambitious by "rough drafting some rules". On top of that I initiated a "nomination" process. I should have waited for feed-back/discussion first before jumping into this.
OK looking back... bad decisions on my part.
We could just have a normal poll, asking for your favorite map. There isn't a need for an official thing, if you ask me. The rest of the site won't care enough, if you ask me.
It is a good idea and good initiative, but the format is not the best one.
The best maps should never be VOTED, but rather judged by a pannel of the best map makers we have in the melee world. Once I can get at least 4 top map makers in the Starcraft community, then I will leave it up to them to chose a winner among monthly submitted maps. One Best Map will be chosen every month. I will start this as soon as I have 7 judges. Later I will show you how judges will chose each map.
However in the meanwhile mini map tournaments such as this one are great! Once you guys decide a winner PM me and I will make news of it.
the man is here
I think we have to step up the quality in general before this should be done. I know I am trying really hard on the map I'm working on right now.
Wootage! Entropy has entered the building. when should we start the ballots?
Oh, nvm. Let's wait for some more maps to come out...
More GOOD maps. Ill start another, i have an idea for a good setup.
Thankyou Entropy for stopping by and for your positive input. You have a lot of "pull" in the Starcraft Community and If anyone can "woo" pro map-makers to help judge and guide us it is you.
A vote/poll is not the best format you are correct. A vote/poll will only produce the most "popular" map/map-maker and not the "best" one. The bell-shaped curve of mediocrity is a definite reality when it comes to mass polling. Well trained eyes will always provide better results than the "masses".
If this contest "poll" were to be taken to the "main" forum as news etc, this would definitely be the result. The only positive result of a general poll might be some recognition and a first step in that long battle of "reputation" you describe in your pinned guide/outline. We will definitely look forward to any future contest/help.
To get the wheels once again moving in terms of the Blizzard's Map-of-the Month contest or something similar, is a very lofty goal. I think I'm not alone in saying that the small group of posters here in this forum support and champion all that is necessary for this small bit of recognition and stand behind any of your efforts 100%.
I'm afraid most of the maps aren't up to standard for pro judges (including all of mine). We really need to step up the quality, and to do my part I'm being really careful with my next map.
I must agree. But even if we wanted pro judges who would be good enough and would they be willing?