here is a fast close quarters 1v1 map, same style as my last map relayer if you remember it. i think the disign is original, but gameplay is nothing too new. I've had some fun games on it already. could use a better name.
Minerals are messed up, and terran can just rush with their 4 scvs and win.
shoot ya you can rush with the 4 scvs... whyd they have to make those so powerful! guess i better reroute this.
ya scv's r pretty powerful, but why do you need to change map?
I think we've been over the "small" bbath thing more than once. Ya "pro's" can rush with their superior micro skillz and easily win, but no matter how you re-route a tiny map, it will never be pro-worthy.
But why do all maps have to be "pro-worthy" in order to be fun to play? Ya ok so what scvs are better than probes in a head-to-head battle. You still gotta have the micro skillz to pull it off! You can change the route if you want, but you've said you've had fun playing it as it was.
If anyone wants to "rush" me with their scv's on this map... come get some!
The bases are basically touching each other, and you don't have to scout. It would take like 5 seconds to get to their base, so I don't see how 4 v 4 peons wars is fun. He may as well remove the expos.
[attachmentid=7345][attachmentid=7346]bajadulce thanks for the defense on this one, i already made some changes though. i think they are def for the better. and ya you don't have to scout, but show me a 1v1 map where you do.
I'll one on one you on your new map. I can't tell whether a 4 scv rush will work.
Either way, you need to change your mineral placement. Optimal is better than unique.
QUOTE(maximumdan @ Apr 3 2005, 07:14 PM)
and ya you don't have to scout, but show me a 1v1 map where you do.
Well everyone is gonna jump down your throat on this one, and so I want to stop the bleeding before the "experts" in this forum have a field day with your comment.
I understand you mean scouting as far as "where" the enemy is, these guys however might not see the "what" and "when" in that statement tho.
Have any replays of games you've played on this map? How fast were the games?
a small map sounds fun. Imma try and make one too.
i could help you out with this map, since i have played Blood Bath around 1000 times.
first of all, fix up the minerals in the bases and expos, and make the bases a bit bigger. you might want to add 3 minerals in the main base but further away from the main minerals, like blood bath, so that zerg can get a small expo.
the bad thing that i can see is that terran can build everywhere on the map, and its just to narrow for flanking and stuff... put some solar array tilesets so terran cant build there, and widen the chokes.
the island is a good idea but a big advantage for terran. just place a mineral field with 8 mins where the cc is supposed to go on the island and your ok. might want to make it a bit bigger also, because with 3-4 turrets you can defend it easily.
okay i made some of the changes i think i'm just gonna have to scale the whole thing up though. this mineral setup is actually just as fast as a normal one, i timed it.
QUOTE(maximumdan @ Apr 4 2005, 01:35 PM)
okay i made some of the changes i think i'm just gonna have to scale the whole thing up though. this mineral setup is actually just as fast as a normal one, i timed it.
I would be amazed if it was the same. How many peons did you use, and for how long? Or, just go ahead and attach the replays.
I am 99.9999999999999999999% sure that yours does not harvest at the same speed as lost temple.
i used dire straits because it was an island map and had 8 fields like mine. i timed how long it takes to gather 500 minerals with 20 peons. mine actually was faster, only by like a second though on average. ya 20 might be a bit much though.
i'll get some replays i think i'll make it a bit bigger though first
i'll try it on lt with a smaller number of peons, say 12?
okay i tried it with 12 time to gather 500, lt: 45 sec. constricter: 60 sec. i feel owned. 20 must have worked better because it is easier for the scvs to access all of the minerals because they don't have to wait at all, but still, that was only faster by a second. not worht the slowness of the beginning.
Use Bill's lost temple, and use 20 or so probes (it would be best to test different amounts, but that would be too much work). Upload the replays. You could also use any recent promap. But I really want to see those replays.
[attachmentid=7375]heres one where i jsut played a comp so you could see the minerals in action... watch me suck i took 13 minutes to beat the comp haha.
No, I mean the two replays showing that the minerals harvest at the same speed.
I think you should just use pro-map minerals.
hmm, I dont think the mineral placement is that big of a deal because both players have the same setup, yea its slower but who cares. Actually i do, Disregard the first part of my post.
This map is small, theres no room to build, but who is going to play a game longer than 3 minutes? Here are the outcomes:
PvT protoss wins, quick lots own marines.
PvZ zerg wins if they execute quick 9pool rush
TvZ if terran gets marines fast enough than they can hold off zerg and make the game last a few extra minutes.
I know there are many more outcomes, but these will be the most common.
Sorry i tried posting earlier but SEN kept bugging out.
this map is has a longer base to base distance than blood bath so all of you who think its too small can stop, and yes, you are right, it IS too small, but so is blood bath which is epic.
anyways the minerals are a bit different now, and the air expansion is no longer a huge terran advantage.
here are some replays
Taking out expansions/nat for zerg is now forceing rushes.
everything is too narrow, widen the crap outta this map...
a good idea would be to make it a Blood Bath island version
So you mean dire straights without expansions? bad idea.
well I feel kinda bad, because over at I actually made the suggestion about removing all those minerals. I guess my reasoning was that map was so small etc and games wouldn't last very long anyways. Maybe this would give it a little "strategy" w/ the limited resouces? I did not think of Zerg and a 2nd expo.
Also I like the updated route. This map is definitely small, but looks like it could be a lot of fun. I'd play it.
The bases are too close together. Further them apart and it would make the map a bit better.
The terrain to the left and to the right of the two starting positions is pretty much useless, and rush is inevitable.
how many minerals should i stick on the natural expansions? i thought that seemed like the right way to go with very limited resources on the map. some of the ladder maps also have stand alone gas like crusader which is my favorite.
the terrain to the left and right of the starting location is actually very useful if you are just careful where you build, you can easily fit 3+ buildings there.
my bnet is also maximumdan if you want to play
I'll watch the reps when I get home today.
By the way, don't look at ladder maps for anything; they all suck. Even the ladder's LT has tons of flaws, including in mineral placement.
Actually, I can just look at the minerals and tell that they are farther away than on normal maps, but I'll still watch the reps.