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Staredit Network -> Concepts -> Old way of float drone still works!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by O)FaRTy1billion on 2005-04-03 at 21:43:40
Since this "new" way isnt really much of use, it does work.

I was going through that Glitch Guide2.0 or whatever, noticed a "Float Drone". And it was a new way I had never seen. That guide was written for Sc 1.10, but I tried the float anyways...

Here is how you do it:
Requirements: An arbiter with Stasis Field and Recall, 2 drones, a Vespene Geyser.

How to:
1. Build and extracter with one of the drones, and then just when it is about to build, stasis field it so its frozen.
2. While its frozen, take the other drone and build Extractor under it.
3. When the drone gets un-Stasised it will just sit on the Extractor making the "I cannot build there" sound repeatedly.
4. Then go off somewhere and recall it to there, now it will just be frozen there (and you can put it under landing buildings, building addons and stuff and it wont move biggrin.gif its literally frozen!)
5. Then you stasis it there, and when the stasis goes away, it will just go strait back onto the geyser it keeps failing to build! It will pass through anything, cliffs, water, null, dirt tongue.gif, buildings, units, ANYTHING.
Then it will just sit back on the building untill you kill the extractor, or kill the drone.

I found this in one of thoes dusty files that possably no one has been to in a while. tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Sniper on 2005-04-03 at 22:30:11
yes, but...why would we need this in a map
Report, edit, etc...Posted by axblader on 2005-04-03 at 23:38:04
cool, this is great for like sling shot games! like see what you can hit on your way back lol. do triggers detect it?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by LegacyWeapon on 2005-04-03 at 23:45:12
Float a drone defense is back in business!

You center the location on the drone and everytime you bring an enemy unit to the drone location, kill 1 enemy and add 1 to the counter.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Ultimo on 2005-04-04 at 00:06:57
Don't you think that's a bit complicated to do? Especially for one drone?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by LegacyWeapon on 2005-04-04 at 00:21:31
We'll have to find a way for the map to do all those things for you wink.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Doodle77(MM) on 2005-04-04 at 08:12:38
Woot! biggrin.gif biggrin.gif now i can play Float-A-Drone D again, I loved that game, even though i sucked at it!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Oo.Mario.oO on 2005-04-04 at 09:17:15
thanks alot bro iv been looking for one of these things to teach me how to float a drone woot now i can play that defecne again to smile.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by O)FaRTy1billion on 2005-04-04 at 17:35:22
I found how to do that on this website lol, I found this at an old post. Mapmaking Tricks And Help Archive->Glitches Guide (By Ðeathknight)

Just so you can find it easyer without reading the entire thing, here is this:
[codebox][center]Starcraft Glitches Guide For Starcraft Broodwar1.10
SCGG Version1.2 [/center]
B. **GLITCHES(sorted by 'USEFULNESS')**
*III.*Useless Glitches, But Fun or With a Much Better Effect**
3.*Pissed off drone*
14.*Float a Drone<V²>*[/codebox]

If you want I can post the map that thoes screen shots came from, or a replay (After making it less just a test, and more of an actual usable map; and note the word "want").

yes, but...why would we need this in a map

I will answer that with other quotes.

  Since this "new" way isnt really much of use

If you would have read the first line, you wudda seen that.
Tip: read before you post.

  cool, this is great for like sling shot games! like see what you can hit on your way back lol. do triggers detect it?

(Yes triggers detect it)

Float a drone defense is back in business!

Woot!   now i can play Float-A-Drone D again, I loved that game, even though i sucked at it!

Don't you think that's a bit complicated to do? Especially for one drone?

Once you do it, its less complicated. And if there is anything you would like me to explain better, please tell me.

We'll have to find a way for the map to do all those things for you 

Make a computer that mines and can only build extractors, and somehow get it to stasis something JUST as the drone is building. Have fun.

I'll do some testing to see if there is any special things you can use to make this have even more of a use. I'll post the rusults tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by axblader on 2005-04-04 at 18:12:51
i belive the computer can recall but that is all...
unless im wrong...but isnt it fun for people to do it themselves? of course, the statis field lastes around liek 1 itll take a while lol.


ive made a test map and it works.
but the drone still has all it's normal properties(liek hp). i attack it, but i havent killed it, yet. also you can repeat this trick many times, once you start it.
i dunno if everyone already knows this...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by KaboomHahahein on 2005-04-04 at 18:31:01
Yeah dk and his friend MrrLL found out about it a while ago. You can also float scvs across water too. And there was some memorie hack dk used to float a drone without arbitors or vaspene gas or other things of the sort.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by axblader on 2005-04-04 at 18:39:17
do you mean mod?
i think u can use scvs, but dont they start construction before they get on it?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by O)FaRTy1billion on 2005-04-04 at 21:46:26
I know Ðk found it, thats why I put his Glitch file. Damn you people need to read things.

And yes I know you can do this as many times as you have time for. And if you would have READ, I put

It stays like that untill you kill the Extractor or the drone

or something along thoes lines.

And I had a mod that every unit was an air unit.

Now about that map I am making... I made it take like an hour to make because I drew a drone in it xD. You'll see it soon.

i think u can use scvs, but dont they start construction before they get on it?

I tried SCV many times, each unsuccessful because yes, they do start before they get on.

You can also float scvs across water too.

I know how to do that, its in the list of glitches; I havn't tried though. (+ its different)

i belive the computer can recall but that is all...
unless im wrong...but isnt it fun for people to do it themselves? of course, the statis field lastes around liek 1 itll take a while lol.


ive made a test map and it works.
but the drone still has all it's normal properties(liek hp). i attack it, but i havent killed it, yet. also you can repeat this trick many times, once you start it.
i dunno if everyone already knows this...

when you say "ive made a test map and it works." do you mean float a drone or making a computer stasis? Because I know the float works. I have done it many times. And when i said

Have fun.

about making a computer do it I ment that being making the computer stasis. If you give it and lots of energy it probably will, but you will have to set it up.

Map is almost done.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by KaboomHahahein on 2005-04-04 at 22:05:17
[justify]I only stated that he found it...I read what you were saying. Thats why I said "yeah" they found it etc. For those who do not know how to make the scv float: You make the scv construct something then cancel it so it is still there but not finnished construction. Bring the arbitor over un walkable terrain and put the scv on the other side of it. Then, tell the scv to go and reconstruct the building and while it is going around the un walkable terrain, recall the scv and it should go straight through it and finnish construction of the building.[/justify]
Report, edit, etc...Posted by O)FaRTy1billion on 2005-04-04 at 22:09:46
[justify]I only stated that he found it...I read what you were saying. Thats why I said "yeah" they found it etc. For those who do not know how to make the scv float: You make the scv  construct something then cancel it so it is still there but not finnished construction. Bring the arbitor over un walkable terrain and put the scv on the other side of it. Then, tell the scv to go and reconstruct the building and while it is going around the un walkable terrain, recall the scv and it should go straight through it and finnish construction of the building.[/justify]

Yup, that is in that GlitchGuide thing by Ðeathknight

OK, I finished the map!!

And here it is
(Note: I was VERY bored if you didn't notice kewlpics.gif. To make you notice more, that was drawn one square at a time (except the water background). happy.gif

If you find any errors PLEASE TELL ME A.S.A.P.!!!

Removed map, please use the one below.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by axblader on 2005-04-04 at 23:42:20
Holy SHIT! Are you an artist? that wouls take me forever to make, i probably coundlt even lol.

nice job, though you triggering is confusing, liek no naming.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by O)FaRTy1billion on 2005-04-05 at 00:29:44
QUOTE(axblader @ Apr 4 2005, 08:42 PM)
Holy SHIT! Are you an artist? that wouls take me forever to make, i probably coundlt even lol.

nice job, though you triggering is confusing, liek no naming.

Triggers are just to keep arbiters in the correct areas (disables cheating happy.gif), reset if you screw yourself or to just start over, and to say GJ when you do it.
In other words, you don't need to bother with them.

Lol sure im an artist, i draw all unit wireframes by hand (Why cheat on something so simple? If it was the ACTUAL unit I wud cheat lol)

And I found I knew those colors (I kno what each tile on Badlands tileset's minimap color is, same with ashworld. I am working on other tilesets too. But thats a secret project. You already know to much.)

Anyways, That font i stole from my graphing calculator. U have to have good eyes for it to see each pixel pinch.gif. And it that picture did take for ever, ask my friends lol. I was away for like an hour...

I forgot, do you agree I made it loads nicer?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathknight on 2005-04-05 at 15:26:11
You know... it's old? :\

I do have a 35% 1.12 glitch guide, I'm just very lazy. The new one will be in html format btw.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by O)FaRTy1billion on 2005-04-05 at 17:25:38
QUOTE(Ðeathknight @ Apr 5 2005, 12:26 PM)
You know... it's old? :\

I do have a 35% 1.12 glitch guide, I'm just very lazy. The new one will be in html format btw.


I said its old thats why it says "new" instead of just new way. And I got from your 1.10 guide. And I want a new 1.12 glitch guide w00t.gif

I'll help if needed...


I forgot, did you like my map I made for that glitch. lol

And Ðeathknight, please keep me poseted on how your glitch guide is coming, I like to read them biggrin.gif
I'll help test if you need (I like glitching)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Tarh on 2005-04-09 at 08:26:33
Bug #1 ( smile.gif ) Re-creation:

1. Game Starts
2. Build an extractor with a drone
3. Warp the other drone to the second platform
4. Cancel the extractor
5. You win, many times over and over!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by O)FaRTy1billion on 2005-04-09 at 17:25:43
QUOTE(Tarh @ Apr 9 2005, 05:26 AM)
Bug #1 ( smile.gif ) Re-creation:

1. Game Starts
2. Build an extractor with a drone
3. Warp the other drone to the second platform
4. Cancel the extractor
5. You win, many times over and over!

Fine ill fix it...
Bah, I'm too lazy.

Also this map isn't a "Who wins?" map, it is just showing you can. If you wanna cheat; owell it just sais "Good job!", nothing special.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Tarh on 2005-04-10 at 09:19:39
Well, since it isn't a "who wins" map, and those are the ones that distribute quickly, I turned this into a "public ready edition". Basically everything was redone, except for your awesome drawings. There are no (noticable) glitches. The map includes tons of misleading names and un-needed units in order to confuse people who do not know how to do it. It also has an anti-hack included (it isn't needed, but meh, just another chance to kick the hackers). Your name is still preserved and is the major one. I hope you approve so it can be distributed (unless you don't want it to be) smile.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by O)FaRTy1billion on 2005-04-10 at 16:47:00
Damn, how am I supposed to look at it (without SC) if its protected lol.
Maybe I should be less lazy I'll do that for the next 5 minutes tongue.gif


omfg wtf.

You screwed it up.

All you needed to do was make so that instead of Gj you get win, and make so you lose if you bring drone to top and bottom!!!

Fine i'll fix by my self.

(you ruined some stacks that took a while to get in the right spot. I am not that great when it comes to unit stack names)


Here is your "didn't ruin the map" v. angry.gif


looking at it further, the arbiter that has the vespene geyser part DOESNT HAVE STASIS. You made it impossable.


looking at it FURTHER, you made so confusing that someone who knows what there doing is very confused.

I like mine.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Still_MatiC on 2005-04-12 at 20:12:56
float a drone defense doesn't even use this trick.

You have to build the hatchery several times when surrounded by marines.

Unless this is a different verison
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Tarh on 2005-04-12 at 20:32:02
Research the statis at the tribunal . . . it is the only upgrade that doesn't cost anything. It was made difficult on purpose, much like many trick maps before it. Well, at least I motivated you to fix the bug smile.gif
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