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Staredit Network -> Concepts -> ShinRa's Accuracy System
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ShinRa_Soldier on 2005-04-04 at 01:35:41
After playing snipers some I thought "It would be cool if it was more realistic" then I thought of an accuracy system (Kinda like beers) where it detects where u shoot and how accurate you where, well after 10 minutes of working I came up with this.

You have an ghost, and a observer. The observer kind of acts as the scope for your sniper, accually more like the red dot that shows you where ur bullet will go. You also have a dropship, with a marine inside, that u may hotkey. Once you drop the marine outside the Dropship a small flag is created on the ground just below the observer, miliseconds later the flag is destoryed, the flag serves as the bullet. Thats how u shoot, now as for the other part, your ghost has 4 locations around it, each one smaller than the one before it they are: Weak hit, Medium hit, Critical hit, and Headshot. You also have minerals that serve as your health, for a weak hit 10 minerals are subtracted, for a Medium hit 20 Minerals are subtracted, for a Critical hit 30 minerals are subtracted, and for a Headshot, all the minerals are subtracted. Thats basically how it works. Also the observer cannot go too far from the ghost, so it does not have unlimited range.

Some Ideas... I have

1. Change the Observer to a wraith with unlimited energy so it will cloak
2. Add Ammo system
3. Add Reload Time

Any others?

If Enough of the feedback on this is positive I will make a Snipers map using this system. But for now download it and check it out !!!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Ultimo on 2005-04-04 at 01:41:51
This is similar, if not exact to BeeR_KeG's accuracy system., except his had actual accuracy where randomized switches determined if it was a hit or not. The closer the observer was to the person, the better chance it had to hit. I was going to use this system...but yeah, I got lazy. You could make it so different weapons could make the observer go further. I had this idea too >_<
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ShinRa_Soldier on 2005-04-04 at 01:49:53
I could have sworn I read something about him having a similar system except his involved placing a COP becon...I may be wrong tho.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Ultimo on 2005-04-04 at 01:51:37
I'll probably have to steal this idee and make a uberate map. tongue.gif I don't have the motivation to, so you better make a good map out of this system! tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Red2Blue on 2005-04-04 at 03:12:20
This sounds very similar to many other maps trying to be realistic and accurate...

How about positioning some retangular locations to detect the "sound" of the bullet passing by the player? Eh Eh? Gotta think of something more original then the hitting locations of a player... And... that bullet must be godly unreal big to hit me 3 squares away having been launched from a small rifle... thats really really really realistic and accurate... yea I mean it... *sarcasm....

And what about that head shot thing, what if I shot at the headshot location, but happened to be aiming at your feet? You would still take an instant death from being hit at the feet? Thats not really real... *sarcasm...

What about that whole weak-headshot hit thing, what if I hit a vital organ or something in the medium damage range, wouldn't a medium damage result in a headshot amount of damage? *sarcasm...

-.- reusing a system someone else has made and declaring it as a whole new system... gj...

Going back to my saracstic remarks, how about add randomized damage ability, say the bullet being able to hit one level closer on occasion? That would be realistic and accurate.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by LegacyWeapon on 2005-04-04 at 14:55:38
Here's an idea, use SF to make the locations smaller.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by PodFedJay on 2005-04-04 at 16:09:12
sometimes just regular hit is all you need kill someone(to the chest)... ,and in reality, headshot is hard to get... -_-
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ShinRa_Soldier on 2005-04-04 at 18:40:56
LoL thx for the support Red2Blue!

and by the way...its not the same as beers, at least I thought beers was differentits, and its been some time since he suggested it, so I was just tring to see what I could do with it. and its just a concept lol u don't gotta be like that but w/e.

If beer has ANY OPPOSITION against me making a map with this system then please by all means, post here and I won't make it, simple as that. But until that happens I will continue to create the map with that system. And by the way the map showing it was only to so the basic concept/principles of it, It took me roughly 10 minutes to make.

I'll look more towards the Ideas, and suggestions, rather than the sarcasm.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TheOddAngel on 2005-04-04 at 20:15:31
Why a flag...

Wouldn't the flag move out of the way because of the ground unit on it...
A good way would be to have a location around the observer...

-Remove The Observer
-Create another AIR unit at that location
-Destroy AIR unit
-Create Observer
-Centerlocation again
Report, edit, etc...Posted by qPirateKing on 2005-04-04 at 20:31:32
Your system destroys part of the appeal of sniper maps. The point of those maps isn't to be realistic. Sniper maps are fun because it's almost like a test of reflexes. You kill in 1 hit, so whoever reacts faster wins. What more do you need? It's not supposed to be an FPS.

To me, the whole system seems counterintuitive because there are too many units to keep track of. You have the ghost, the observer, and the dropship -- you can't exactly use all three of them at the same time. This makes it nearly impossible to hit anyone unless you are camping because you have to change between the units so much. If everyone camps, things are going to be boring.

Won't observers detect each other?

Air units can see over high elevation and therefore negate the advantage of positioning. With no more hiding behind walls or on high elevation, you might as well make the playing field completely flat.
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