Hello staredit people! I don't want a kiwi, promengate, and an acid bath. I have been on staredit.net for some time, but i havent introduced my self. So hi! I havent made a map yet, but Im probably going to make one when I get a simple idea.
"'ello there mate. Would yeh like some fish n' chips? I'm chinky but am also a Yank. NEways, enjoy yer stay at Hotel Staredit. And if anyone's givin' you a hard time, just heave'em down to my siggy and give'm a good talkin' to, unless they look like a giant dinosaur with a gun, or a keg, or a bolthead, or a moose with one of those caution signs, or a guy who’s high, or a guy who puts limes and kiwis in one basket, or looks like an ankh."
You no want kiwi?!? NO SOUP FOR YOU.

Welcome to Staredit Network.
Hi, welcome to SEN.
In 3 seconds, I'll get sho- *BANG*
Owie, I got shot.
[center]The kiwis are poison. You're smart for rejecting them!
Welcome to SEN, by any chance, would you like a pomegranate?[/center]
HA, no kiwis!
Hi welcome to SEN!
May I kindly offer you a - ...
No kiwi?
well welcome to staredit.net
The day you denied a kiwi was the day you denied your god[dess]
well. I guess in all technicality I should stillw elcome you...
Hey! Welcome to SEN (Staredit.net)!
I'll give you what's in your avator.
Well guess what? I got the last google gulp! So ha!!
*Puni chugs down the google gulp
Would you like a kigranibath?
You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.

- Eagles, Hotel California
Anyways, 'ello thar'.
Welcome to SEN R)ii(P!
Would you like-
*warhammer40000 to pop a cap in you?
Oh, no, if anyone does another one, then I shall be laying down the hammer of justice...
I'm not a mod, but I can... umm... I'll hunt you down and assassinate you!
Heehee... ass-ass-in-ate...
And... dear Gods that muffin looks DELICIOUS!!!


someone else do it we can make another thing like mr.camo LOL
o BTW (which stands for by the way) welcome to staredit.net..

enjoy your stay
Welcome to SEN!
Nobody ever offered me a Kiwi; and I wanted one

(I only like them to throw at people
