LuPiN, here!! at your service, =]
im a map maker for Oo Productions "Operation Onslaughter"
i made Blue bound and Conquer bound so far!
My Old U.S.AWest Names are:
===OF coruse i dont got those names now===
My Old U.S.AEast Names are:
=== OF coruse i dont got these names now ===
I have been with Oo. for 1 and a half years now. And I will never leave, unless leader leaves.!
I like long walks on the beach, [ JK ] hahaha .. some humor.. fine! DONT LAUGH!
ummmmm, I player USEast now... [ Channel: Clan Oo] im active, so msg me anytime! if you wanna say sup! or any questions about map making.
i am 15 years old going on 16, im in 10th grade, and i also play Tibia and ConquerOnline.
Love always:
wow you were a Mp) in the west side.
hey Mp) clan we found on eof the missing people, but he wont change his mind becuace in in Oo clan.
anyways welcome to staredit.net
"'ello there mate. Would yeh like some fish n' chips? I'm chinky but am also a Yank. NEways, enjoy yer stay at Hotel Staredit. And if anyone's givin' you a hard time, just heave'em down to my siggy and give'm a good talkin' to, unless they look like a giant dinosaur with a gun, or a keg, or a bolthead, or a moose with one of those caution signs, or a guy who’s high, or a guy who puts limes and kiwis in one basket, or looks like an ankh."
QUOTE(pekkel_the_duck @ Apr 4 2005, 09:07 PM)
"'ello there mate. Would yeh like some fish n' chips? I'm chinky but am also a Yank. NEways, enjoy yer stay at Hotel Staredit. And if anyone's givin' you a hard time, just heave'em down to my siggy and give'm a good talkin' to, unless they look like a giant dinosaur with a gun, or a keg, or a bolthead, or a moose with one of those caution signs, or a guy who’s high, or a guy who puts limes and kiwis in one basket, or looks like an ankh."
This might be sorta off topic but what is up with everyone and the sponge man? and how could I get a signature of the sponge guy?
Welcome to Staredit Network.
QUOTE(kirby_star @ Apr 4 2005, 09:16 PM)
This might be sorta off topic but what is up with everyone and the sponge man? and how could I get a signature of the sponge guy?

I dunno. I once made a poll about Domo Kun( that's its name), but that's prob not why it started. And I just found this at a site I freq.
[center]Welcome to SEN, by any chance, would you like a pomegranate?[/center]
LuPiN, quit SEN before it gobblezorz you up!
Welcome, I suppose.
Take Fortune's advice,
Get as far away from SEN as you can. We are trapped here, don't follow our fate!
Would you like some spiked punch?
Get the hell out here!
Welcome to SEN

hello [NAME].
would you like an acid bath?
LEAVE! Its evil here! SEN will tear you up alive if u dont leave it!!! run!
apparently SEN is supposed to be addictive...i dont feel it...anyways
Welcome to Staredit.net. Would you like a Muffin?
Of COURSE you do.
Here.I'm not addicted—these are just filthy grounds.
~walks away slowly and slowly look behind him and RUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~
..... hhhmmmmm ...............
~falls off the cliff and dies.

i guess im a lost soul, in this SEN!!! ... aahh????
and yes that muffin was good yummy yummy in my tummy!
no punch for me ... =)
... and i brought some nice baked cookie! FOR MY SEN NEIGHBORS =D some come grab!!
=Flys in a shuttle, drops out steals the cookies, then jumps into a Corsair and flys off=
Your soul is forever trapped here now.
And these cookies are pretty good.

Ummmm , i was wondering, as i look at everyones signatures they are BAD /-\ss , and i was wondering how you make them?!?! and if so can you make me one!! ill give you a ......
hug? =]
and... more cookies?!?! O.o o.O well thx. Lol
Theres a sig request thread, or forum, or something...
Goto Creative works and look around, or post a thread. Or... you could look at everyone's sig, and look at who made them. Most have messages giving credits to the maker, unless of course they made it themselves.
I won't give away my sources...
I don't want him getting spammed now. Lol...
ED: Oh, yea I forgot.. If you have Adobe Photoshop, which.. Costs like 600 dollars+ or so, you can make them their.. I'm supposed to be getting 7.0 tommorow.. But, its not that easy for begginers so, I suggest you either ask, or get good at Adobe.. Now if you can't afford Adobe, PsP is pretty good and has like a 90 day trial, I used it for a while, I prefer Adobe though, namely because I used it in school for a while.