Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> Welcome -> Hi
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2005-04-05 at 02:05:24
Hi, I make maps that work to improve your gameplay.

2 maps specifically - Turbo big game hunters many versions 3v5 comps 4v4 comps 5v3 comps
Vs turbo big game hunters
3v3 with 1 comp each ally
based on the bizz map turbo. 5x build speed 1/5 cost.
(This mode will make the hardest computers you've ever seen in your life due to their superior macromanagement and micromanagement skills.) I originally made it to train myself at macromanagement, and it in and of itself became soo much fun I kept playing it anyway. The comps will kill you with this mode without cheating, provided the AI doesnt break which is very common in it for some odd reason. If anyone wants to make one like mine, i'd recommend starting with 1 drone/probe/scv each instead of normal 4 due to the fact that each now essentially mines as if it were 5 drones anyway.
Only real issue is you cannot be zerg properly due to being unable to alter their larva spawn rate ( with my skills at least)

I am here because I've wanted to make a certain map for years but never could do it due to restrictions of staredit. I'll be asking about it in the ideas section.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by KaboomHahahein on 2005-04-05 at 19:35:24
Welcome to Staredit Network.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by pekkel_the_duck on 2005-04-05 at 20:01:01
"'ello there mate. Would yeh like some fish n' chips? I'm chinky but am also a Yank. NEways, enjoy yer stay at Hotel Staredit. And if anyone's givin' you a hard time, just heave'em down to my siggy and give'm a good talkin' to, unless they look like a giant dinosaur with a gun, or a keg, or a bolthead, or a moose with one of those caution signs, or a guy who’s high, or a guy who puts limes and kiwis in one basket, or looks like an ankh."

Just don't make Fastest Possible maps. They're no good.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by notnuclearrabbit on 2005-04-05 at 21:24:44
[center]Good for BS... But BS isn't good, either...
Welcome to SEN, by any chance, would you like a pomegranate?
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